Archive of posts with year ''

Where do I start my journey to headless eCommerce?

You shouldn’t think about an e-commerce platform as a one-fit-all solution because there is no such thing; the devil hides in the details and your margin and profit. As you...


In France, we say “try it and you’ll adopt it” This expression covers a reality: trying out a product allows you to picture yourself and convince users to make a...

I want my CDN Application!

Performance and time to interaction are key to increase conversion and retention. And for that, PWA has done an amazing job promoting a new way of building applications. But pages...

Composable commerce  —  Legacy management and progressive migration

Where you probably stand from A spaghetti architecture with data everywhere, resources are tightly coupled, evolutions are limited due to your systems’ complexity, so your developer experience is terrible. Too...

Smile’s Innovation Watch #29

It’s already back to school season 🏫 Time passed like a snap 👌 and we barely realize, stuck in our home, that months have passed. Since we’re progressively adapting to...

Headless commerce

The eCommerce industry is full of challenges and the first one is the need to build a strong yet adaptive solution: robust to handle traffic peaks/seasonality and adaptive enough to...

Smile’s Innovation Watch #28

☀️ Summer is here, and even if most of us have a 🏡 #staycation this year and that kinda sucks, let’s take time to reflect on the way we are,...

Smile’s Innovation Watch #27

☀️ Summer is here, and even if most of us have a 🏡 #staycation this year and that kinda sucks, let’s take time to reflect on the way we are,...

Smile Innovation’s watch #26

So lockdown and remote working is our new way of living for a couple of weeks now. But that doesn’t stop us to curate a list of excellent articles to...

Smile Innovation’s Tech watch #25

Reading this email, you’re probably in lockdown, mandatory, or because you care about doing your best to protect people around you. Well, to help you clear your mind or not...

Smile Innovation’s watch #24

Here we are, edition 24. And this is a solid one. So long that when we sent it out, it was too big for Gmail displaying it entirely, and we...

Smile FOSDEM 2020 report

The primary free software and open-source event in Brussels was, as usual, full of exciting presentations and folks from all corners of the computing world. The FOSDEM celebrated its twentieth...

Smile Innovation’s watch #23

New year, New you! I don’t know if you notice, but we redesigned the categories of information to better suit what we want to share with you and how we...