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Starting from scratch, how to embed computer vision techniques into your project #4

Part 4— Integration How to integrate it? The SageMaker work is done. We have a data set with labels, a trained model, and an endpoint to request objects detection. But...

Starting from scratch, how to embed computer vision techniques into your project #3

Part 3 — Model training Open your book at chapter 1: what is a screwdriver? We have now nearly reached the training phase. To start this phase, the only missing...

Starting from scratch, how to embed computer vision techniques into your project #2

Part 2 — Training data set Ok, let’s do it A lot of Screwdrivers First, we need a significant amount of screwdrivers (and hammer, paintbrush, etc.) images. And to teach...

Starting from scratch, how to embed computer vision techniques into your project

A practical guide to answering this question: is this a screwdriver or a hammer? Smile is the proud editor of ElasticSuite, a great Magento open-source extension, with more than a...