Alain Rouen
Alain Rouen Innovation Technologist / Technical Director at Smile Open Source Solutions

Archive of posts for Alain Rouen

From multilingual speech to subtitles

From multilingual speech to subtitles How to build a multilingual video automatic subtitles system Recently we have participated in a public tender related to the need of an innovative automatic...

Your private GPT to chat with your documents

A step-by-step guide to build a chatbot that can answer any questions about what’s in your documents What if we build another chatbot? People accustomed to the chatbot concept, and...

Starting from scratch, how to embed computer vision techniques into your project #4

Part 4— Integration How to integrate it? The SageMaker work is done. We have a data set with labels, a trained model, and an endpoint to request objects detection. But...

Starting from scratch, how to embed computer vision techniques into your project #3

Part 3 — Model training Open your book at chapter 1: what is a screwdriver? We have now nearly reached the training phase. To start this phase, the only missing...

Starting from scratch, how to embed computer vision techniques into your project #2

Part 2 — Training data set Ok, let’s do it A lot of Screwdrivers First, we need a significant amount of screwdrivers (and hammer, paintbrush, etc.) images. And to teach...

Starting from scratch, how to embed computer vision techniques into your project

A practical guide to answering this question: is this a screwdriver or a hammer? Smile is the proud editor of ElasticSuite, a great Magento open-source extension, with more than a...

A Serverless 2.0 point of view

A major evolution in the serverless movement is arriving. Let’s see why it is important to understand it and how it will change the way we are building apps Microservices,...

Hey Snips!

Or how I made my child study multiplications tables thanks to Snips OK, I will assume that you have already heard about voice assistants considering the buzz around them. Yes...