Archive of posts with tag 'magento'

Magento 2.3.0 and Open Source ElasticSearch

It has been announced during Magento Imagine that ElasticSearch support will be moved in the open-source version of Magento for the 2.3.0 release, while previously reserved for Magento Commerce. As...

Magento as a Service

Co-written with Romain Ruaud, teammate at Smile, Magento expert. Thanks to a great Magento expertise and partnership, Smile is renowned for its e-store offer. As part of our continuous improvement,...

Magento ElasticSuite for Retailers — L’omnicanal au cœur de Magento

S’adapter aux nouvelles attentes des utilisateurs Ces dernières années la digitalisation des enseignes a profondément modifié les comportements et attentes des consommateurs. Obtenir une information cohérente, homogène et instantanée sur...