Patrice Ferlet
Patrice Ferlet Ingénieur Recherche et développement chez Smile - Machine Learning et DevOps

Archive of posts for Patrice Ferlet

Simple and lightweight Kubernetes DevOps stack

We have chosen Rancher, Harbor, Gitea, and Drone on a real production Kubernetes cluster. We reduced CPU and memory usage as well as the storage, and of course carbon footprint....

Training neural network with image sequence, an example with video as input

How can we classify actions that happen on video? How to use Time Distributed layers with image sequence? How to manage the input shapes? Last time, we explain how works...

How to work with Time Distributed data in a neural network

And how to use it for videos input, movements detection, gestures recognition… ⚠ Important note: There is an error in explanation I give in the article. I often say that...

Imannotate, opensource collaborative image annotation for machine learning

We made a tool to annotate images with teammates, easy to install and extensible. And obviously, it’s open source! In the machine learning and deep learning world, one of the...

SageMaker : Bring your own Algorithms

With the help of Docker, you will be able to customize training and infering models using other frameworks that those provided by SageMaker You may already know what Amazon SageMaker...

Magento as a Service

Co-written with Romain Ruaud, teammate at Smile, Magento expert. Thanks to a great Magento expertise and partnership, Smile is renowned for its e-store offer. As part of our continuous improvement,...

Capturing your dinner, a deep learning story

A naive approach to features extraction and R-CNN Working for Smile innovation can lead to funny pre-sales research. Few weeks ago I was involved in a discussion to find out...