Archive of posts with year ''

Smile Innovation’s watch #22

Wow! What a 🏃‍♂️final sprint until the finish line of the year for us! It’s a long time without a Techwatch. Enough to made us lost count of exciting news,...

Simple and lightweight Kubernetes DevOps stack

We have chosen Rancher, Harbor, Gitea, and Drone on a real production Kubernetes cluster. We reduced CPU and memory usage as well as the storage, and of course carbon footprint....

Smile Innovation’s Watch #21

🥶 Winter is definitely here for most of us and it’s Friday afternoon. Just a few hours before leaving work and don’t want to start an entirely new project? Why...

Smile Innovation’s Watch — #20

It’s 🏫back to school season, the public transportation will be crowded again and you’ll probably make more time to go to work. Let’s face it. But it’s also the time...

Innovation Watch #19

Everyone is on holiday including me 🏖. Let’s face it. But it will not prevent us to provide you with your bi-weekly dose of tech news. Let’s start with a...

Magic Leap: Getting started on Unreal Engine

In this article, I will be demonstrating how to install and set up your computer itowork with the Magic Leap SDK. Magic Leap SDK First, you will need to download...

Innovation Watch #18

This content was sent on august, 8th via our Tech Watch Newsletter Following our effort on the last edition, we’ll focus on how our #mentalhealth is influenced by technology and...

What can we do with a Magic Leap ?

Magic Leap and Augmented Reality TL;DR; I briefly talk about Augmented Reality (AR), where your vision isn’t blocked by a device and the differences with Virtual Reality (VR), where your...

Innovation Watch #17

This content was sent on july, 22th via our Tech Watch Newsletter Brace yourself. Climate change is coming 🥵 While Europe is getting ready for a new heatwave, us, at...

Making a graphic driver for a led panel

Part 1: Context, scope, purpose… and hardware! In 2016, I started passionating myself for the world of IoT. I quickly get attracted by anything visual and especially LEDs as this...

Innovation Watch #16

This content was sent on july, 10th via our Tech Watch Newsletter We’re still in the early days of July and it feels more comfortable, the air is breathable again....

Innovation Watch #15

This content was sent on june, 26th via our Tech Watch Newsletter We’re still in June but entire Europe, except Portugal, is under big heat waves right now 🥵There’s nothing...

Smile Innovation Watch #14

*This content was sent on june, 7th via our Tech Watch Newsletter* Is it already June? Damn how times fly 😅 It starts to be warm enough to enjoy a...

Smile Vivatech 2019 report

Vivatech was everywhere for 3 days, all the cutting technology was here, accessible to the tech-savvy person you are. Welcome to our Vivatech 2019 overview. Europe more than ever should...

Smile Innovation Watch #12

This content was sent on feb, 19th via our Tech Watch Newsletter Happy new year 🥳 Ok, we are a little bit late, but still, we wish you all the...

Smile Innovation #13

This content was sent on march, 15th via our Tech Watch Newsletter 🌤Sun start finally to be seen all across Europe and that feels so good 😎. Our second issue...

A Serverless 2.0 point of view

A major evolution in the serverless movement is arriving. Let’s see why it is important to understand it and how it will change the way we are building apps Microservices,...

Xvisor — première mise en œuvre

🇫🇷 This article is available in French only, part of our cross-post series from our friends at Li[nux embedded. Xvisor est un hyperviseur open source en licence GPLv2. Cet hyperviseur...

Les traceurs sous linux (1/2)

🇫🇷 This article is available in French only, part of our cross-post series from our friends at Li[nux embedded. L’analyse des performances est essentiel pour tout processus de développement d’une...