Tag embedded-systems

Smile FOSDEM 2020 report

The primary free software and open-source event in Brussels was, as usual, full of exciting presentations and folks from all corners of the computing world. The FOSDEM celebrated its twentieth...

Xvisor — première mise en œuvre

🇫🇷 This article is available in French only, part of our cross-post series from our friends at Li[nux embedded. Xvisor est un hyperviseur open source en licence GPLv2. Cet hyperviseur...

Les traceurs sous linux (1/2)

🇫🇷 This article is available in French only, part of our cross-post series from our friends at Li[nux embedded. L’analyse des performances est essentiel pour tout processus de développement d’une...

AWS Greengrass the forefront of edge computing

This articles main goal is to resume briefly what AWS Greengrass is. If you want a more thorough presentation you can find it on the AWS Greengrass documentation page IoT...

Smile présente : le Smile Trip Tour 2018

Ou comment Smile mobilise l’ensemble de ses métiers autour d’une équipe d’une petite dizaine de personnes et d’une passion commune pour le vélo A la découverte de The Sun Trip...

Wattmètre connecté pour le Smile Trip Tour 2018

Les objets connectés présentent de plus en plus d’intérêt pour des utilisateurs très variés. Principalement utilisés à des fins de monitoring, ils permettent de remonter des données dans le Cloud...

Introduction à Yocto (partie 2)

Dans un premier article nous avons introduit les principes de Yocto et décrit comment produire une image de test pour des cibles QEMU (x86) et Raspberry Pi 3. Dans ce...

Introduction à Yocto (partie 1)

Yocto est devenu un standard de l’industrie pour la technologie « Linux embarqué ». Dans cette courte série de deux articles nous décrirons tout d’abord les principes de cet outil,...

Tag linux

Les traceurs sous linux (1/2)

🇫🇷 This article is available in French only, part of our cross-post series from our friends at Li[nux embedded. L’analyse des performances est essentiel pour tout processus de développement d’une...

Introduction à Yocto (partie 2)

Dans un premier article nous avons introduit les principes de Yocto et décrit comment produire une image de test pour des cibles QEMU (x86) et Raspberry Pi 3. Dans ce...

Introduction à Yocto (partie 1)

Yocto est devenu un standard de l’industrie pour la technologie « Linux embarqué ». Dans cette courte série de deux articles nous décrirons tout d’abord les principes de cet outil,...

Tag iot

Smile Innovation’s Watch — #10

🤔Wait a minute! Is it already 2 weeks? Did we send the previous Tech watch 14 days ago? Is that email you didn’t read and staying in your inbox already...

Smile présente : le Smile Trip Tour 2018

Ou comment Smile mobilise l’ensemble de ses métiers autour d’une équipe d’une petite dizaine de personnes et d’une passion commune pour le vélo A la découverte de The Sun Trip...

Introduction à Yocto (partie 2)

Dans un premier article nous avons introduit les principes de Yocto et décrit comment produire une image de test pour des cibles QEMU (x86) et Raspberry Pi 3. Dans ce...

Introduction à Yocto (partie 1)

Yocto est devenu un standard de l’industrie pour la technologie « Linux embarqué ». Dans cette courte série de deux articles nous décrirons tout d’abord les principes de cet outil,...

Tag connected-devices

Introduction à Yocto (partie 2)

Dans un premier article nous avons introduit les principes de Yocto et décrit comment produire une image de test pour des cibles QEMU (x86) et Raspberry Pi 3. Dans ce...

Introduction à Yocto (partie 1)

Yocto est devenu un standard de l’industrie pour la technologie « Linux embarqué ». Dans cette courte série de deux articles nous décrirons tout d’abord les principes de cet outil,...

Tag elasticsuite

Magento ElasticSuite for Retailers — L’omnicanal au cœur de Magento

S’adapter aux nouvelles attentes des utilisateurs Ces dernières années la digitalisation des enseignes a profondément modifié les comportements et attentes des consommateurs. Obtenir une information cohérente, homogène et instantanée sur...

Tag magento

Magento 2.3.0 and Open Source ElasticSearch

It has been announced during Magento Imagine that ElasticSearch support will be moved in the open-source version of Magento for the 2.3.0 release, while previously reserved for Magento Commerce. As...

Magento as a Service

Co-written with Romain Ruaud, teammate at Smile, Magento expert. Thanks to a great Magento expertise and partnership, Smile is renowned for its e-store offer. As part of our continuous improvement,...

Magento ElasticSuite for Retailers — L’omnicanal au cœur de Magento

S’adapter aux nouvelles attentes des utilisateurs Ces dernières années la digitalisation des enseignes a profondément modifié les comportements et attentes des consommateurs. Obtenir une information cohérente, homogène et instantanée sur...

Tag magento-development

Magento ElasticSuite for Retailers — L’omnicanal au cœur de Magento

S’adapter aux nouvelles attentes des utilisateurs Ces dernières années la digitalisation des enseignes a profondément modifié les comportements et attentes des consommateurs. Obtenir une information cohérente, homogène et instantanée sur...

Tag magento-2

Magento ElasticSuite for Retailers — L’omnicanal au cœur de Magento

S’adapter aux nouvelles attentes des utilisateurs Ces dernières années la digitalisation des enseignes a profondément modifié les comportements et attentes des consommateurs. Obtenir une information cohérente, homogène et instantanée sur...

Tag magento-extensions

Magento ElasticSuite for Retailers — L’omnicanal au cœur de Magento

S’adapter aux nouvelles attentes des utilisateurs Ces dernières années la digitalisation des enseignes a profondément modifié les comportements et attentes des consommateurs. Obtenir une information cohérente, homogène et instantanée sur...

Tag artificial-intelligence

From multilingual speech to subtitles

From multilingual speech to subtitles How to build a multilingual video automatic subtitles system Recently we have participated in a public tender related to the need of an innovative automatic...

How to Build a Generative AI Chatbot with RAG Source on AWS

Overview Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) is a technique that combines the strengths of traditional retrieval-based and generative AI-based approaches to question-answering (QA) systems. In a RAG chatbot, the user’s query...

Generative AI based medical assistant on AWS

Yet another LLM-based chatbot Generative AI and large language models (LLMs) are becoming increasingly popular, and small and big tech companies are releasing new solutions like ChatGPT, Bard, and Llama...

Discover the potential of Search Commerce with GPT: Our feedback

In the world of online commerce, search is a key element in attracting and converting potential customers. Today, we’re going to tell you about a technology that is revolutionizing the...

Your private GPT to chat with your documents

A step-by-step guide to build a chatbot that can answer any questions about what’s in your documents What if we build another chatbot? People accustomed to the chatbot concept, and...

Starting from scratch, how to embed computer vision techniques into your project #4

Part 4— Integration How to integrate it? The SageMaker work is done. We have a data set with labels, a trained model, and an endpoint to request objects detection. But...

Starting from scratch, how to embed computer vision techniques into your project #3

Part 3 — Model training Open your book at chapter 1: what is a screwdriver? We have now nearly reached the training phase. To start this phase, the only missing...

Starting from scratch, how to embed computer vision techniques into your project #2

Part 2 — Training data set Ok, let’s do it A lot of Screwdrivers First, we need a significant amount of screwdrivers (and hammer, paintbrush, etc.) images. And to teach...

Starting from scratch, how to embed computer vision techniques into your project

A practical guide to answering this question: is this a screwdriver or a hammer? Smile is the proud editor of ElasticSuite, a great Magento open-source extension, with more than a...

Smile’s Innovation Watch #30

Our first techwatch of 2021. I can’t believe it’s already July, and we miss the opportunity to share with you so much great tech stuff we scouted all around. Sure,...


In France, we say “try it and you’ll adopt it” This expression covers a reality: trying out a product allows you to picture yourself and convince users to make a...

Smile Innovation’s Tech watch #25

Reading this email, you’re probably in lockdown, mandatory, or because you care about doing your best to protect people around you. Well, to help you clear your mind or not...

Smile Innovation’s watch #24

Here we are, edition 24. And this is a solid one. So long that when we sent it out, it was too big for Gmail displaying it entirely, and we...

Smile Innovation’s watch #22

Wow! What a 🏃‍♂️final sprint until the finish line of the year for us! It’s a long time without a Techwatch. Enough to made us lost count of exciting news,...

Smile Innovation’s Watch #21

🥶 Winter is definitely here for most of us and it’s Friday afternoon. Just a few hours before leaving work and don’t want to start an entirely new project? Why...

Smile Innovation’s Watch — #20

It’s 🏫back to school season, the public transportation will be crowded again and you’ll probably make more time to go to work. Let’s face it. But it’s also the time...

Innovation Watch #19

Everyone is on holiday including me 🏖. Let’s face it. But it will not prevent us to provide you with your bi-weekly dose of tech news. Let’s start with a...

Smile Innovation Watch #14

*This content was sent on june, 7th via our Tech Watch Newsletter* Is it already June? Damn how times fly 😅 It starts to be warm enough to enjoy a...

Smile Innovation Watch #12

This content was sent on feb, 19th via our Tech Watch Newsletter Happy new year 🥳 Ok, we are a little bit late, but still, we wish you all the...

Smile Innovation #13

This content was sent on march, 15th via our Tech Watch Newsletter 🌤Sun start finally to be seen all across Europe and that feels so good 😎. Our second issue...

Smile Innovation’s Watch #11

Oh Oh Oh 🎅🏼 Hoping every one of you has a good time for this end of year celebration, with friends, family, and we have a special thought for the...

Smile Innovation’s Watch — #10

🤔Wait a minute! Is it already 2 weeks? Did we send the previous Tech watch 14 days ago? Is that email you didn’t read and staying in your inbox already...

Training neural network with image sequence, an example with video as input

How can we classify actions that happen on video? How to use Time Distributed layers with image sequence? How to manage the input shapes? Last time, we explain how works...

How to work with Time Distributed data in a neural network

And how to use it for videos input, movements detection, gestures recognition… ⚠ Important note: There is an error in explanation I give in the article. I often say that...

Smile Innovation’s Watch — #8

On our previous issues, we were already ready for fall. But seems we have some ☀️🕶summer overtime all across Europe and who are we to complain about that 😎? In...

AWS Greengrass the forefront of edge computing

This articles main goal is to resume briefly what AWS Greengrass is. If you want a more thorough presentation you can find it on the AWS Greengrass documentation page IoT...

LSTM, Intelligence artificielle sur des données chronologiques

Ou comment un réseau de neurones peut interpréter une série de données dite “temporelle” Si vous avez un tant soit peu travaillé avec des réseaux de neurones, vous avez certainement...

Imannotate, opensource collaborative image annotation for machine learning

We made a tool to annotate images with teammates, easy to install and extensible. And obviously, it’s open source! In the machine learning and deep learning world, one of the...

Smile Innovation's Watch - #4

That’s now the end of the second month of our watch over the internet for delivering you curated content about the innovation all around the world. In this edition, you’ll...

How to make profits in cryptocurrency trading with machine learning

The interest around cryptocurrency technology grows day after day, and the research about Machine learning has never been so fast. Could a machine trained to trade cryptocurrency make profits ?...

Hey Snips!

Or how I made my child study multiplications tables thanks to Snips OK, I will assume that you have already heard about voice assistants considering the buzz around them. Yes...

SageMaker : Bring your own Algorithms

With the help of Docker, you will be able to customize training and infering models using other frameworks that those provided by SageMaker You may already know what Amazon SageMaker...

Smile Innovation's watch - #2

For this second edition of our watch, we wanted to show you an amazing picture first. The latest TIME’s cover, made by 958 drones working altogether. Then we’ll talk Machine...

Smile Innovation's watch - #1

Hello world 🌎! As you might (or might not) know Smile Innovation is in charge of watching, ideating, prototyping, evangelizing for both people within the group and Smile’s fellow customers....

Capturing your dinner, a deep learning story

A naive approach to features extraction and R-CNN Working for Smile innovation can lead to funny pre-sales research. Few weeks ago I was involved in a discussion to find out...

Tag machine-learning

From multilingual speech to subtitles

From multilingual speech to subtitles How to build a multilingual video automatic subtitles system Recently we have participated in a public tender related to the need of an innovative automatic...

How to Build a Generative AI Chatbot with RAG Source on AWS

Overview Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) is a technique that combines the strengths of traditional retrieval-based and generative AI-based approaches to question-answering (QA) systems. In a RAG chatbot, the user’s query...

Generative AI based medical assistant on AWS

Yet another LLM-based chatbot Generative AI and large language models (LLMs) are becoming increasingly popular, and small and big tech companies are releasing new solutions like ChatGPT, Bard, and Llama...

Discover the potential of Search Commerce with GPT: Our feedback

In the world of online commerce, search is a key element in attracting and converting potential customers. Today, we’re going to tell you about a technology that is revolutionizing the...

Your private GPT to chat with your documents

A step-by-step guide to build a chatbot that can answer any questions about what’s in your documents What if we build another chatbot? People accustomed to the chatbot concept, and...

Starting from scratch, how to embed computer vision techniques into your project #4

Part 4— Integration How to integrate it? The SageMaker work is done. We have a data set with labels, a trained model, and an endpoint to request objects detection. But...

Starting from scratch, how to embed computer vision techniques into your project #3

Part 3 — Model training Open your book at chapter 1: what is a screwdriver? We have now nearly reached the training phase. To start this phase, the only missing...

Starting from scratch, how to embed computer vision techniques into your project #2

Part 2 — Training data set Ok, let’s do it A lot of Screwdrivers First, we need a significant amount of screwdrivers (and hammer, paintbrush, etc.) images. And to teach...

Starting from scratch, how to embed computer vision techniques into your project

A practical guide to answering this question: is this a screwdriver or a hammer? Smile is the proud editor of ElasticSuite, a great Magento open-source extension, with more than a...

Smile Innovation’s watch #22

Wow! What a 🏃‍♂️final sprint until the finish line of the year for us! It’s a long time without a Techwatch. Enough to made us lost count of exciting news,...

Innovation Watch #16

This content was sent on july, 10th via our Tech Watch Newsletter We’re still in the early days of July and it feels more comfortable, the air is breathable again....

Smile Innovation Watch #14

*This content was sent on june, 7th via our Tech Watch Newsletter* Is it already June? Damn how times fly 😅 It starts to be warm enough to enjoy a...

Training neural network with image sequence, an example with video as input

How can we classify actions that happen on video? How to use Time Distributed layers with image sequence? How to manage the input shapes? Last time, we explain how works...

How to work with Time Distributed data in a neural network

And how to use it for videos input, movements detection, gestures recognition… ⚠ Important note: There is an error in explanation I give in the article. I often say that...

AWS Greengrass the forefront of edge computing

This articles main goal is to resume briefly what AWS Greengrass is. If you want a more thorough presentation you can find it on the AWS Greengrass documentation page IoT...

LSTM, Intelligence artificielle sur des données chronologiques

Ou comment un réseau de neurones peut interpréter une série de données dite “temporelle” Si vous avez un tant soit peu travaillé avec des réseaux de neurones, vous avez certainement...

Imannotate, opensource collaborative image annotation for machine learning

We made a tool to annotate images with teammates, easy to install and extensible. And obviously, it’s open source! In the machine learning and deep learning world, one of the...

How to make profits in cryptocurrency trading with machine learning

The interest around cryptocurrency technology grows day after day, and the research about Machine learning has never been so fast. Could a machine trained to trade cryptocurrency make profits ?...

Hey Snips!

Or how I made my child study multiplications tables thanks to Snips OK, I will assume that you have already heard about voice assistants considering the buzz around them. Yes...

SageMaker : Bring your own Algorithms

With the help of Docker, you will be able to customize training and infering models using other frameworks that those provided by SageMaker You may already know what Amazon SageMaker...

Smile Innovation's watch - #2

For this second edition of our watch, we wanted to show you an amazing picture first. The latest TIME’s cover, made by 958 drones working altogether. Then we’ll talk Machine...

Smile Innovation's watch - #1

Hello world 🌎! As you might (or might not) know Smile Innovation is in charge of watching, ideating, prototyping, evangelizing for both people within the group and Smile’s fellow customers....

Capturing your dinner, a deep learning story

A naive approach to features extraction and R-CNN Working for Smile innovation can lead to funny pre-sales research. Few weeks ago I was involved in a discussion to find out...

Tag data-science

LSTM, Intelligence artificielle sur des données chronologiques

Ou comment un réseau de neurones peut interpréter une série de données dite “temporelle” Si vous avez un tant soit peu travaillé avec des réseaux de neurones, vous avez certainement...

Capturing your dinner, a deep learning story

A naive approach to features extraction and R-CNN Working for Smile innovation can lead to funny pre-sales research. Few weeks ago I was involved in a discussion to find out...

Tag deep-learning

Starting from scratch, how to embed computer vision techniques into your project #4

Part 4— Integration How to integrate it? The SageMaker work is done. We have a data set with labels, a trained model, and an endpoint to request objects detection. But...

Starting from scratch, how to embed computer vision techniques into your project #3

Part 3 — Model training Open your book at chapter 1: what is a screwdriver? We have now nearly reached the training phase. To start this phase, the only missing...

Starting from scratch, how to embed computer vision techniques into your project #2

Part 2 — Training data set Ok, let’s do it A lot of Screwdrivers First, we need a significant amount of screwdrivers (and hammer, paintbrush, etc.) images. And to teach...

Starting from scratch, how to embed computer vision techniques into your project

A practical guide to answering this question: is this a screwdriver or a hammer? Smile is the proud editor of ElasticSuite, a great Magento open-source extension, with more than a...

Capturing your dinner, a deep learning story

A naive approach to features extraction and R-CNN Working for Smile innovation can lead to funny pre-sales research. Few weeks ago I was involved in a discussion to find out...

Tag tech

How to make profits in cryptocurrency trading with machine learning

The interest around cryptocurrency technology grows day after day, and the research about Machine learning has never been so fast. Could a machine trained to trade cryptocurrency make profits ?...

Capturing your dinner, a deep learning story

A naive approach to features extraction and R-CNN Working for Smile innovation can lead to funny pre-sales research. Few weeks ago I was involved in a discussion to find out...

Tag technology

Kong, manage your Flask APIs !

Do you think managing APIs with an interface is a time consuming task to implement ? Not so long ago, I thought that API management was necessarily a complex task....

How to make profits in cryptocurrency trading with machine learning

The interest around cryptocurrency technology grows day after day, and the research about Machine learning has never been so fast. Could a machine trained to trade cryptocurrency make profits ?...

Magento as a Service

Co-written with Romain Ruaud, teammate at Smile, Magento expert. Thanks to a great Magento expertise and partnership, Smile is renowned for its e-store offer. As part of our continuous improvement,...

Capturing your dinner, a deep learning story

A naive approach to features extraction and R-CNN Working for Smile innovation can lead to funny pre-sales research. Few weeks ago I was involved in a discussion to find out...

Tag devops

Simple and lightweight Kubernetes DevOps stack

We have chosen Rancher, Harbor, Gitea, and Drone on a real production Kubernetes cluster. We reduced CPU and memory usage as well as the storage, and of course carbon footprint....

Kong, manage your Flask APIs !

Do you think managing APIs with an interface is a time consuming task to implement ? Not so long ago, I thought that API management was necessarily a complex task....

Magento as a Service

Co-written with Romain Ruaud, teammate at Smile, Magento expert. Thanks to a great Magento expertise and partnership, Smile is renowned for its e-store offer. As part of our continuous improvement,...

Tag kubernetes

Simple and lightweight Kubernetes DevOps stack

We have chosen Rancher, Harbor, Gitea, and Drone on a real production Kubernetes cluster. We reduced CPU and memory usage as well as the storage, and of course carbon footprint....

Magento as a Service

Co-written with Romain Ruaud, teammate at Smile, Magento expert. Thanks to a great Magento expertise and partnership, Smile is renowned for its e-store offer. As part of our continuous improvement,...

Tag docker

Imannotate, opensource collaborative image annotation for machine learning

We made a tool to annotate images with teammates, easy to install and extensible. And obviously, it’s open source! In the machine learning and deep learning world, one of the...

SageMaker : Bring your own Algorithms

With the help of Docker, you will be able to customize training and infering models using other frameworks that those provided by SageMaker You may already know what Amazon SageMaker...

Magento as a Service

Co-written with Romain Ruaud, teammate at Smile, Magento expert. Thanks to a great Magento expertise and partnership, Smile is renowned for its e-store offer. As part of our continuous improvement,...

Tag ecommerce

Where do I start my journey to headless eCommerce?

You shouldn’t think about an e-commerce platform as a one-fit-all solution because there is no such thing; the devil hides in the details and your margin and profit. As you...

Headless commerce

The eCommerce industry is full of challenges and the first one is the need to build a strong yet adaptive solution: robust to handle traffic peaks/seasonality and adaptive enough to...

Magento 2.3.0 and Open Source ElasticSearch

It has been announced during Magento Imagine that ElasticSearch support will be moved in the open-source version of Magento for the 2.3.0 release, while previously reserved for Magento Commerce. As...

Tag elasticsearch

Magento 2.3.0 and Open Source ElasticSearch

It has been announced during Magento Imagine that ElasticSearch support will be moved in the open-source version of Magento for the 2.3.0 release, while previously reserved for Magento Commerce. As...

Tag search-engines

Magento 2.3.0 and Open Source ElasticSearch

It has been announced during Magento Imagine that ElasticSearch support will be moved in the open-source version of Magento for the 2.3.0 release, while previously reserved for Magento Commerce. As...

Tag innovation

Smile Innovation’s Watch — #3

Already the third iteration of our tech watch newsletter. From the Big Bang of Github been acquired by Microsoft to the open-source initiative to create speech recognition models by Mozilla,...

Smile Innovation's watch - #2

For this second edition of our watch, we wanted to show you an amazing picture first. The latest TIME’s cover, made by 958 drones working altogether. Then we’ll talk Machine...

Smile Innovation's watch - #1

Hello world 🌎! As you might (or might not) know Smile Innovation is in charge of watching, ideating, prototyping, evangelizing for both people within the group and Smile’s fellow customers....

Smile Innovation's watch - #2

For this second edition of our watch, we wanted to show you an amazing picture first. The latest TIME’s cover, made by 958 drones working altogether. Then we’ll talk Machine...

Smile Innovation's watch - #1

Hello world 🌎! As you might (or might not) know Smile Innovation is in charge of watching, ideating, prototyping, evangelizing for both people within the group and Smile’s fellow customers....

Tag gdpr

Smile Innovation's Watch - #5

We are now starting our 3rd month of finding, curating, selecting and publishing this newsletter for you to get the most of our watch online. We all hope you’ll enjoy...

Smile Innovation’s Watch — #3

Already the third iteration of our tech watch newsletter. From the Big Bang of Github been acquired by Microsoft to the open-source initiative to create speech recognition models by Mozilla,...

GDPR & E-commerce

Just before starting, maybe all of us don’t know about GDPR yet (really ? You are part of the 0.1% of people that didn’t receive tons of emails about it...

Smile Innovation's watch - #1

Hello world 🌎! As you might (or might not) know Smile Innovation is in charge of watching, ideating, prototyping, evangelizing for both people within the group and Smile’s fellow customers....

Tag netflix

Smile Innovation’s watch #22

Wow! What a 🏃‍♂️final sprint until the finish line of the year for us! It’s a long time without a Techwatch. Enough to made us lost count of exciting news,...

Smile Innovation's watch - #1

Hello world 🌎! As you might (or might not) know Smile Innovation is in charge of watching, ideating, prototyping, evangelizing for both people within the group and Smile’s fellow customers....

Tag retail

Discover the potential of Search Commerce with GPT: Our feedback

In the world of online commerce, search is a key element in attracting and converting potential customers. Today, we’re going to tell you about a technology that is revolutionizing the...

Smile Vivatech 2019 report

Vivatech was everywhere for 3 days, all the cutting technology was here, accessible to the tech-savvy person you are. Welcome to our Vivatech 2019 overview. Europe more than ever should...

GDPR & E-commerce

Just before starting, maybe all of us don’t know about GDPR yet (really ? You are part of the 0.1% of people that didn’t receive tons of emails about it...

Tag retail-marketing

GDPR & E-commerce

Just before starting, maybe all of us don’t know about GDPR yet (really ? You are part of the 0.1% of people that didn’t receive tons of emails about it...

Tag privacy

Smile Innovation’s watch #24

Here we are, edition 24. And this is a solid one. So long that when we sent it out, it was too big for Gmail displaying it entirely, and we...

Smile Innovation’s watch #23

New year, New you! I don’t know if you notice, but we redesigned the categories of information to better suit what we want to share with you and how we...

Smile Innovation’s Watch — #20

It’s 🏫back to school season, the public transportation will be crowded again and you’ll probably make more time to go to work. Let’s face it. But it’s also the time...

Innovation Watch #19

Everyone is on holiday including me 🏖. Let’s face it. But it will not prevent us to provide you with your bi-weekly dose of tech news. Let’s start with a...

Innovation Watch #17

This content was sent on july, 22th via our Tech Watch Newsletter Brace yourself. Climate change is coming 🥵 While Europe is getting ready for a new heatwave, us, at...

Innovation Watch #16

This content was sent on july, 10th via our Tech Watch Newsletter We’re still in the early days of July and it feels more comfortable, the air is breathable again....

Smile Innovation Watch #14

*This content was sent on june, 7th via our Tech Watch Newsletter* Is it already June? Damn how times fly 😅 It starts to be warm enough to enjoy a...

Hey Snips!

Or how I made my child study multiplications tables thanks to Snips OK, I will assume that you have already heard about voice assistants considering the buzz around them. Yes...

GDPR & E-commerce

Just before starting, maybe all of us don’t know about GDPR yet (really ? You are part of the 0.1% of people that didn’t receive tons of emails about it...

Tag customer-data

GDPR & E-commerce

Just before starting, maybe all of us don’t know about GDPR yet (really ? You are part of the 0.1% of people that didn’t receive tons of emails about it...

Tag drones

Smile Innovation’s watch #24

Here we are, edition 24. And this is a solid one. So long that when we sent it out, it was too big for Gmail displaying it entirely, and we...

Smile Innovation’s watch #22

Wow! What a 🏃‍♂️final sprint until the finish line of the year for us! It’s a long time without a Techwatch. Enough to made us lost count of exciting news,...

Smile Innovation’s Watch #21

🥶 Winter is definitely here for most of us and it’s Friday afternoon. Just a few hours before leaving work and don’t want to start an entirely new project? Why...

Smile Innovation's watch - #2

For this second edition of our watch, we wanted to show you an amazing picture first. The latest TIME’s cover, made by 958 drones working altogether. Then we’ll talk Machine...

Tag sagemaker

SageMaker : Bring your own Algorithms

With the help of Docker, you will be able to customize training and infering models using other frameworks that those provided by SageMaker You may already know what Amazon SageMaker...

Tag computer-vision

Starting from scratch, how to embed computer vision techniques into your project #4

Part 4— Integration How to integrate it? The SageMaker work is done. We have a data set with labels, a trained model, and an endpoint to request objects detection. But...

Starting from scratch, how to embed computer vision techniques into your project #3

Part 3 — Model training Open your book at chapter 1: what is a screwdriver? We have now nearly reached the training phase. To start this phase, the only missing...

Starting from scratch, how to embed computer vision techniques into your project #2

Part 2 — Training data set Ok, let’s do it A lot of Screwdrivers First, we need a significant amount of screwdrivers (and hammer, paintbrush, etc.) images. And to teach...

Starting from scratch, how to embed computer vision techniques into your project

A practical guide to answering this question: is this a screwdriver or a hammer? Smile is the proud editor of ElasticSuite, a great Magento open-source extension, with more than a...

Innovation Watch #17

This content was sent on july, 22th via our Tech Watch Newsletter Brace yourself. Climate change is coming 🥵 While Europe is getting ready for a new heatwave, us, at...

Innovation Watch #16

This content was sent on july, 10th via our Tech Watch Newsletter We’re still in the early days of July and it feels more comfortable, the air is breathable again....

Smile Innovation's Watch - #4

That’s now the end of the second month of our watch over the internet for delivering you curated content about the innovation all around the world. In this edition, you’ll...

Smile @ AWS Summit Paris 2018

AWS Global Summits are free events that bring the cloud computing community together to connect, collaborate, and learn about AWS. Summits are held in major cities around the world, and...

SageMaker : Bring your own Algorithms

With the help of Docker, you will be able to customize training and infering models using other frameworks that those provided by SageMaker You may already know what Amazon SageMaker...

Tag aws

How to Build a Generative AI Chatbot with RAG Source on AWS

Overview Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) is a technique that combines the strengths of traditional retrieval-based and generative AI-based approaches to question-answering (QA) systems. In a RAG chatbot, the user’s query...

Generative AI based medical assistant on AWS

Yet another LLM-based chatbot Generative AI and large language models (LLMs) are becoming increasingly popular, and small and big tech companies are releasing new solutions like ChatGPT, Bard, and Llama...

AWS Greengrass the forefront of edge computing

This articles main goal is to resume briefly what AWS Greengrass is. If you want a more thorough presentation you can find it on the AWS Greengrass documentation page IoT...

Smile @ AWS Summit Paris 2018

AWS Global Summits are free events that bring the cloud computing community together to connect, collaborate, and learn about AWS. Summits are held in major cities around the world, and...

SageMaker : Bring your own Algorithms

With the help of Docker, you will be able to customize training and infering models using other frameworks that those provided by SageMaker You may already know what Amazon SageMaker...

Tag microsoft

Your private GPT to chat with your documents

A step-by-step guide to build a chatbot that can answer any questions about what’s in your documents What if we build another chatbot? People accustomed to the chatbot concept, and...

Smile Innovation’s Watch — #3

Already the third iteration of our tech watch newsletter. From the Big Bang of Github been acquired by Microsoft to the open-source initiative to create speech recognition models by Mozilla,...

Tag iot-security

Smile Innovation’s Watch — #3

Already the third iteration of our tech watch newsletter. From the Big Bang of Github been acquired by Microsoft to the open-source initiative to create speech recognition models by Mozilla,...

Tag voice-recognition

Smile Innovation’s Watch — #3

Already the third iteration of our tech watch newsletter. From the Big Bang of Github been acquired by Microsoft to the open-source initiative to create speech recognition models by Mozilla,...

Tag edge-computing

Smile @ AWS Summit Paris 2018

AWS Global Summits are free events that bring the cloud computing community together to connect, collaborate, and learn about AWS. Summits are held in major cities around the world, and...

Tag open-source

Smile’s Innovation Watch #41

Greetings, tech enthusiasts! As we dive into our 41st edition of Smile Innovation Watch, the omnipresent AI buzz is hard to sidestep. Yet, beyond this digital giant, lie vibrant innovations...

Smile’s Innovation Watch #30

Our first techwatch of 2021. I can’t believe it’s already July, and we miss the opportunity to share with you so much great tech stuff we scouted all around. Sure,...

Smile FOSDEM 2020 report

The primary free software and open-source event in Brussels was, as usual, full of exciting presentations and folks from all corners of the computing world. The FOSDEM celebrated its twentieth...

Hey Snips!

Or how I made my child study multiplications tables thanks to Snips OK, I will assume that you have already heard about voice assistants considering the buzz around them. Yes...

Smile @ AWS Summit Paris 2018

AWS Global Summits are free events that bring the cloud computing community together to connect, collaborate, and learn about AWS. Summits are held in major cities around the world, and...

Tag voice-assistant

Smile Innovation’s Watch #21

🥶 Winter is definitely here for most of us and it’s Friday afternoon. Just a few hours before leaving work and don’t want to start an entirely new project? Why...

Smile Innovation's Watch - #4

That’s now the end of the second month of our watch over the internet for delivering you curated content about the innovation all around the world. In this edition, you’ll...

Hey Snips!

Or how I made my child study multiplications tables thanks to Snips OK, I will assume that you have already heard about voice assistants considering the buzz around them. Yes...

Smile @ AWS Summit Paris 2018

AWS Global Summits are free events that bring the cloud computing community together to connect, collaborate, and learn about AWS. Summits are held in major cities around the world, and...

Tag learning

Hey Snips!

Or how I made my child study multiplications tables thanks to Snips OK, I will assume that you have already heard about voice assistants considering the buzz around them. Yes...

Tag bitcoin

Smile’s Innovation Watch #32

It’s December once more and, if you’ve not already managed the 🎁 “presents” situation, you must know that delivery is a complete mess this year again, thanks to COVID which...

How to make profits in cryptocurrency trading with machine learning

The interest around cryptocurrency technology grows day after day, and the research about Machine learning has never been so fast. Could a machine trained to trade cryptocurrency make profits ?...

Tag cryptocurrency

Smile Innovation Watch #12

This content was sent on feb, 19th via our Tech Watch Newsletter Happy new year 🥳 Ok, we are a little bit late, but still, we wish you all the...

Smile Innovation’s Watch — #6

Chatbot chatbot chatbot chatbot 🤖Everyone is talking about it around you and we’ll give you some cool knowledge about it so you’ll be able to shine like a star in...

How to make profits in cryptocurrency trading with machine learning

The interest around cryptocurrency technology grows day after day, and the research about Machine learning has never been so fast. Could a machine trained to trade cryptocurrency make profits ?...

Tag sun-trip-tour

Wattmètre connecté pour le Smile Trip Tour 2018

Les objets connectés présentent de plus en plus d’intérêt pour des utilisateurs très variés. Principalement utilisés à des fins de monitoring, ils permettent de remonter des données dans le Cloud...

Tag electric-bike

Smile présente : le Smile Trip Tour 2018

Ou comment Smile mobilise l’ensemble de ses métiers autour d’une équipe d’une petite dizaine de personnes et d’une passion commune pour le vélo A la découverte de The Sun Trip...

Wattmètre connecté pour le Smile Trip Tour 2018

Les objets connectés présentent de plus en plus d’intérêt pour des utilisateurs très variés. Principalement utilisés à des fins de monitoring, ils permettent de remonter des données dans le Cloud...

Tag robotics

Smile’s Innovation Watch #30

Our first techwatch of 2021. I can’t believe it’s already July, and we miss the opportunity to share with you so much great tech stuff we scouted all around. Sure,...

Innovation Watch #17

This content was sent on july, 22th via our Tech Watch Newsletter Brace yourself. Climate change is coming 🥵 While Europe is getting ready for a new heatwave, us, at...

Innovation Watch #16

This content was sent on july, 10th via our Tech Watch Newsletter We’re still in the early days of July and it feels more comfortable, the air is breathable again....

Innovation Watch #15

This content was sent on june, 26th via our Tech Watch Newsletter We’re still in June but entire Europe, except Portugal, is under big heat waves right now 🥵There’s nothing...

Smile Innovation Watch #14

*This content was sent on june, 7th via our Tech Watch Newsletter* Is it already June? Damn how times fly 😅 It starts to be warm enough to enjoy a...

Smile Innovation's Watch - #4

That’s now the end of the second month of our watch over the internet for delivering you curated content about the innovation all around the world. In this edition, you’ll...

Tag facial-recognition

Smile Innovation's Watch - #4

That’s now the end of the second month of our watch over the internet for delivering you curated content about the innovation all around the world. In this edition, you’ll...

Tag image-annotation

Imannotate, opensource collaborative image annotation for machine learning

We made a tool to annotate images with teammates, easy to install and extensible. And obviously, it’s open source! In the machine learning and deep learning world, one of the...

Tag image-recognition

Training neural network with image sequence, an example with video as input

How can we classify actions that happen on video? How to use Time Distributed layers with image sequence? How to manage the input shapes? Last time, we explain how works...

How to work with Time Distributed data in a neural network

And how to use it for videos input, movements detection, gestures recognition… ⚠ Important note: There is an error in explanation I give in the article. I often say that...

Imannotate, opensource collaborative image annotation for machine learning

We made a tool to annotate images with teammates, easy to install and extensible. And obviously, it’s open source! In the machine learning and deep learning world, one of the...

Tag the-sun-trip

Smile présente : le Smile Trip Tour 2018

Ou comment Smile mobilise l’ensemble de ses métiers autour d’une équipe d’une petite dizaine de personnes et d’une passion commune pour le vélo A la découverte de The Sun Trip...

Tag 3d-printing

Smile’s Innovation Watch #27

☀️ Summer is here, and even if most of us have a 🏡 #staycation this year and that kinda sucks, let’s take time to reflect on the way we are,...

Smile Innovation’s watch #23

New year, New you! I don’t know if you notice, but we redesigned the categories of information to better suit what we want to share with you and how we...

Smile Innovation’s Watch — #20

It’s 🏫back to school season, the public transportation will be crowded again and you’ll probably make more time to go to work. Let’s face it. But it’s also the time...

Smile Innovation’s Watch #11

Oh Oh Oh 🎅🏼 Hoping every one of you has a good time for this end of year celebration, with friends, family, and we have a special thought for the...

Smile Innovation's Watch - #5

We are now starting our 3rd month of finding, curating, selecting and publishing this newsletter for you to get the most of our watch online. We all hope you’ll enjoy...

Tag lifi

Smile Innovation's Watch - #5

We are now starting our 3rd month of finding, curating, selecting and publishing this newsletter for you to get the most of our watch online. We all hope you’ll enjoy...

Tag vr

Smile Innovation’s watch #26

So lockdown and remote working is our new way of living for a couple of weeks now. But that doesn’t stop us to curate a list of excellent articles to...

Smile Innovation's Watch - #5

We are now starting our 3rd month of finding, curating, selecting and publishing this newsletter for you to get the most of our watch online. We all hope you’ll enjoy...

Tag facebook

Innovation Watch #18

This content was sent on august, 8th via our Tech Watch Newsletter Following our effort on the last edition, we’ll focus on how our #mentalhealth is influenced by technology and...

Smile Innovation's Watch - #5

We are now starting our 3rd month of finding, curating, selecting and publishing this newsletter for you to get the most of our watch online. We all hope you’ll enjoy...

Tag neural-networks

Training neural network with image sequence, an example with video as input

How can we classify actions that happen on video? How to use Time Distributed layers with image sequence? How to manage the input shapes? Last time, we explain how works...

How to work with Time Distributed data in a neural network

And how to use it for videos input, movements detection, gestures recognition… ⚠ Important note: There is an error in explanation I give in the article. I often say that...

LSTM, Intelligence artificielle sur des données chronologiques

Ou comment un réseau de neurones peut interpréter une série de données dite “temporelle” Si vous avez un tant soit peu travaillé avec des réseaux de neurones, vous avez certainement...

Tag lstm

LSTM, Intelligence artificielle sur des données chronologiques

Ou comment un réseau de neurones peut interpréter une série de données dite “temporelle” Si vous avez un tant soit peu travaillé avec des réseaux de neurones, vous avez certainement...

Tag mathematics

LSTM, Intelligence artificielle sur des données chronologiques

Ou comment un réseau de neurones peut interpréter une série de données dite “temporelle” Si vous avez un tant soit peu travaillé avec des réseaux de neurones, vous avez certainement...

Tag api

I want my CDN Application!

Performance and time to interaction are key to increase conversion and retention. And for that, PWA has done an amazing job promoting a new way of building applications. But pages...

Composable commerce  —  Legacy management and progressive migration

Where you probably stand from A spaghetti architecture with data everywhere, resources are tightly coupled, evolutions are limited due to your systems’ complexity, so your developer experience is terrible. Too...

Kong, manage your Flask APIs !

Do you think managing APIs with an interface is a time consuming task to implement ? Not so long ago, I thought that API management was necessarily a complex task....

Tag api-gateway

How to Build a Generative AI Chatbot with RAG Source on AWS

Overview Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) is a technique that combines the strengths of traditional retrieval-based and generative AI-based approaches to question-answering (QA) systems. In a RAG chatbot, the user’s query...

Generative AI based medical assistant on AWS

Yet another LLM-based chatbot Generative AI and large language models (LLMs) are becoming increasingly popular, and small and big tech companies are releasing new solutions like ChatGPT, Bard, and Llama...

Kong, manage your Flask APIs !

Do you think managing APIs with an interface is a time consuming task to implement ? Not so long ago, I thought that API management was necessarily a complex task....

Tag api-management

Kong, manage your Flask APIs !

Do you think managing APIs with an interface is a time consuming task to implement ? Not so long ago, I thought that API management was necessarily a complex task....

Tag chatbots

Smile Innovation’s Watch — #20

It’s 🏫back to school season, the public transportation will be crowded again and you’ll probably make more time to go to work. Let’s face it. But it’s also the time...

Smile Innovation’s Watch — #7

Temperatures start to drop, 🍂🍁leaves start to fall from the tree, the sun starts to get shy ⛅️. No doubt Fall is coming! Time for hot chocolate 🍫and blankets. On...

Smile Innovation’s Watch — #6

Chatbot chatbot chatbot chatbot 🤖Everyone is talking about it around you and we’ll give you some cool knowledge about it so you’ll be able to shine like a star in...

Tag google

Smile’s Innovation Watch #31

🍁It’s the fall season. Some of us are in love with the beautiful colors of the landscape, and some have their mood sinking as the RMS Titanic. That’s why we...

Smile Innovation’s Tech watch #25

Reading this email, you’re probably in lockdown, mandatory, or because you care about doing your best to protect people around you. Well, to help you clear your mind or not...

Smile Innovation Watch #14

*This content was sent on june, 7th via our Tech Watch Newsletter* Is it already June? Damn how times fly 😅 It starts to be warm enough to enjoy a...

Smile Innovation #13

This content was sent on march, 15th via our Tech Watch Newsletter 🌤Sun start finally to be seen all across Europe and that feels so good 😎. Our second issue...

Smile Innovation’s Watch — #6

Chatbot chatbot chatbot chatbot 🤖Everyone is talking about it around you and we’ll give you some cool knowledge about it so you’ll be able to shine like a star in...

Tag dns

Smile Innovation’s Watch — #6

Chatbot chatbot chatbot chatbot 🤖Everyone is talking about it around you and we’ll give you some cool knowledge about it so you’ll be able to shine like a star in...

Tag health

Smile Innovation’s Watch — #6

Chatbot chatbot chatbot chatbot 🤖Everyone is talking about it around you and we’ll give you some cool knowledge about it so you’ll be able to shine like a star in...

Tag beacons

Smile Innovation’s Watch — #7

Temperatures start to drop, 🍂🍁leaves start to fall from the tree, the sun starts to get shy ⛅️. No doubt Fall is coming! Time for hot chocolate 🍫and blankets. On...

Tag advertising

Smile Innovation’s watch #23

New year, New you! I don’t know if you notice, but we redesigned the categories of information to better suit what we want to share with you and how we...

Smile Innovation’s Watch — #7

Temperatures start to drop, 🍂🍁leaves start to fall from the tree, the sun starts to get shy ⛅️. No doubt Fall is coming! Time for hot chocolate 🍫and blankets. On...

Tag opensource-hardware

Smile Innovation’s Watch — #7

Temperatures start to drop, 🍂🍁leaves start to fall from the tree, the sun starts to get shy ⛅️. No doubt Fall is coming! Time for hot chocolate 🍫and blankets. On...

Tag magic-leap

Magic Leap: Getting started on Unreal Engine

In this article, I will be demonstrating how to install and set up your computer itowork with the Magic Leap SDK. Magic Leap SDK First, you will need to download...

What can we do with a Magic Leap ?

Magic Leap and Augmented Reality TL;DR; I briefly talk about Augmented Reality (AR), where your vision isn’t blocked by a device and the differences with Virtual Reality (VR), where your...

Smile Innovation’s Watch — #7

Temperatures start to drop, 🍂🍁leaves start to fall from the tree, the sun starts to get shy ⛅️. No doubt Fall is coming! Time for hot chocolate 🍫and blankets. On...

Tag greengrass

AWS Greengrass the forefront of edge computing

This articles main goal is to resume briefly what AWS Greengrass is. If you want a more thorough presentation you can find it on the AWS Greengrass documentation page IoT...

Tag lambda

How to Build a Generative AI Chatbot with RAG Source on AWS

Overview Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) is a technique that combines the strengths of traditional retrieval-based and generative AI-based approaches to question-answering (QA) systems. In a RAG chatbot, the user’s query...

Generative AI based medical assistant on AWS

Yet another LLM-based chatbot Generative AI and large language models (LLMs) are becoming increasingly popular, and small and big tech companies are releasing new solutions like ChatGPT, Bard, and Llama...

AWS Greengrass the forefront of edge computing

This articles main goal is to resume briefly what AWS Greengrass is. If you want a more thorough presentation you can find it on the AWS Greengrass documentation page IoT...

Tag alexa

Smile Innovation’s Watch — #8

On our previous issues, we were already ready for fall. But seems we have some ☀️🕶summer overtime all across Europe and who are we to complain about that 😎? In...

Tag instagram

Smile Innovation’s Watch — #8

On our previous issues, we were already ready for fall. But seems we have some ☀️🕶summer overtime all across Europe and who are we to complain about that 😎? In...

Tag mongodb

Smile Innovation’s Watch — #8

On our previous issues, we were already ready for fall. But seems we have some ☀️🕶summer overtime all across Europe and who are we to complain about that 😎? In...

Tag solid

Smile Innovation’s Watch — #8

On our previous issues, we were already ready for fall. But seems we have some ☀️🕶summer overtime all across Europe and who are we to complain about that 😎? In...

Tag videos

Training neural network with image sequence, an example with video as input

How can we classify actions that happen on video? How to use Time Distributed layers with image sequence? How to manage the input shapes? Last time, we explain how works...

How to work with Time Distributed data in a neural network

And how to use it for videos input, movements detection, gestures recognition… ⚠ Important note: There is an error in explanation I give in the article. I often say that...

Tag apple

Innovation Watch #18

This content was sent on august, 8th via our Tech Watch Newsletter Following our effort on the last edition, we’ll focus on how our #mentalhealth is influenced by technology and...

Innovation Watch #15

This content was sent on june, 26th via our Tech Watch Newsletter We’re still in June but entire Europe, except Portugal, is under big heat waves right now 🥵There’s nothing...

Smile Innovation Watch #12

This content was sent on feb, 19th via our Tech Watch Newsletter Happy new year 🥳 Ok, we are a little bit late, but still, we wish you all the...

Smile Innovation’s Watch   #9

Winter is coming ❄️🌨🧟‍♂️ (not so private jokes already used 1,934,324 times this month) and you may already have been wearing back your 🧤gloves and 🧣scarf (especially if you’re using...

Tag ai

From multilingual speech to subtitles

From multilingual speech to subtitles How to build a multilingual video automatic subtitles system Recently we have participated in a public tender related to the need of an innovative automatic...

AI for code

AI allows us to understand and measure codebase in a new way, and those last years have been exciting with startups trying to get the best of what AI on...

Innovation Watch #15

This content was sent on june, 26th via our Tech Watch Newsletter We’re still in June but entire Europe, except Portugal, is under big heat waves right now 🥵There’s nothing...

Smile Vivatech 2019 report

Vivatech was everywhere for 3 days, all the cutting technology was here, accessible to the tech-savvy person you are. Welcome to our Vivatech 2019 overview. Europe more than ever should...

Smile Innovation’s Watch   #9

Winter is coming ❄️🌨🧟‍♂️ (not so private jokes already used 1,934,324 times this month) and you may already have been wearing back your 🧤gloves and 🧣scarf (especially if you’re using...

Tag samsung

Smile Innovation’s Watch   #9

Winter is coming ❄️🌨🧟‍♂️ (not so private jokes already used 1,934,324 times this month) and you may already have been wearing back your 🧤gloves and 🧣scarf (especially if you’re using...

Tag salesforce

Smile Innovation’s Watch   #9

Winter is coming ❄️🌨🧟‍♂️ (not so private jokes already used 1,934,324 times this month) and you may already have been wearing back your 🧤gloves and 🧣scarf (especially if you’re using...

Tag airbnb

Smile Innovation #13

This content was sent on march, 15th via our Tech Watch Newsletter 🌤Sun start finally to be seen all across Europe and that feels so good 😎. Our second issue...

Smile Innovation’s Watch   #9

Winter is coming ❄️🌨🧟‍♂️ (not so private jokes already used 1,934,324 times this month) and you may already have been wearing back your 🧤gloves and 🧣scarf (especially if you’re using...

Tag technology-news

Smile Innovation’s Watch — #10

🤔Wait a minute! Is it already 2 weeks? Did we send the previous Tech watch 14 days ago? Is that email you didn’t read and staying in your inbox already...

Tag flying

Smile Innovation’s Watch — #10

🤔Wait a minute! Is it already 2 weeks? Did we send the previous Tech watch 14 days ago? Is that email you didn’t read and staying in your inbox already...

Tag smart-home

Smile Innovation’s Watch — #10

🤔Wait a minute! Is it already 2 weeks? Did we send the previous Tech watch 14 days ago? Is that email you didn’t read and staying in your inbox already...

Tag renewable-energy

Smile Innovation’s Watch #11

Oh Oh Oh 🎅🏼 Hoping every one of you has a good time for this end of year celebration, with friends, family, and we have a special thought for the...

Tag military

Smile Innovation’s Watch #11

Oh Oh Oh 🎅🏼 Hoping every one of you has a good time for this end of year celebration, with friends, family, and we have a special thought for the...

Tag autonomous-cars

Smile’s Innovation Watch #32

It’s December once more and, if you’ve not already managed the 🎁 “presents” situation, you must know that delivery is a complete mess this year again, thanks to COVID which...

Smile Innovation’s watch #26

So lockdown and remote working is our new way of living for a couple of weeks now. But that doesn’t stop us to curate a list of excellent articles to...

Smile Innovation Watch #12

This content was sent on feb, 19th via our Tech Watch Newsletter Happy new year 🥳 Ok, we are a little bit late, but still, we wish you all the...

Smile Innovation’s Watch #11

Oh Oh Oh 🎅🏼 Hoping every one of you has a good time for this end of year celebration, with friends, family, and we have a special thought for the...

Tag ftrace

Les traceurs sous linux (1/2)

🇫🇷 This article is available in French only, part of our cross-post series from our friends at Li[nux embedded. L’analyse des performances est essentiel pour tout processus de développement d’une...

Tag debugging

Les traceurs sous linux (1/2)

🇫🇷 This article is available in French only, part of our cross-post series from our friends at Li[nux embedded. L’analyse des performances est essentiel pour tout processus de développement d’une...

Tag hypervisors

Xvisor — première mise en œuvre

🇫🇷 This article is available in French only, part of our cross-post series from our friends at Li[nux embedded. Xvisor est un hyperviseur open source en licence GPLv2. Cet hyperviseur...

Tag xvisor

Xvisor — première mise en œuvre

🇫🇷 This article is available in French only, part of our cross-post series from our friends at Li[nux embedded. Xvisor est un hyperviseur open source en licence GPLv2. Cet hyperviseur...

Tag emulator

Xvisor — première mise en œuvre

🇫🇷 This article is available in French only, part of our cross-post series from our friends at Li[nux embedded. Xvisor est un hyperviseur open source en licence GPLv2. Cet hyperviseur...

Tag raspberry-pi

Making a graphic driver for a led panel

Part 1: Context, scope, purpose… and hardware! In 2016, I started passionating myself for the world of IoT. I quickly get attracted by anything visual and especially LEDs as this...

Xvisor — première mise en œuvre

🇫🇷 This article is available in French only, part of our cross-post series from our friends at Li[nux embedded. Xvisor est un hyperviseur open source en licence GPLv2. Cet hyperviseur...

Tag serverless,paas,devops,aws-lambda,single-page-applications

A Serverless 2.0 point of view

A major evolution in the serverless movement is arriving. Let’s see why it is important to understand it and how it will change the way we are building apps Microservices,...

Tag amazon

Smile Innovation #13

This content was sent on march, 15th via our Tech Watch Newsletter 🌤Sun start finally to be seen all across Europe and that feels so good 😎. Our second issue...

Tag face-recognition

Smile Innovation #13

This content was sent on march, 15th via our Tech Watch Newsletter 🌤Sun start finally to be seen all across Europe and that feels so good 😎. Our second issue...

Tag contactless-payments

Smile Innovation Watch #12

This content was sent on feb, 19th via our Tech Watch Newsletter Happy new year 🥳 Ok, we are a little bit late, but still, we wish you all the...

Tag startup

Smile Vivatech 2019 report

Vivatech was everywhere for 3 days, all the cutting technology was here, accessible to the tech-savvy person you are. Welcome to our Vivatech 2019 overview. Europe more than ever should...

Tag vivatech

Smile Vivatech 2019 report

Vivatech was everywhere for 3 days, all the cutting technology was here, accessible to the tech-savvy person you are. Welcome to our Vivatech 2019 overview. Europe more than ever should...

Tag future-of-work


In France, we say “try it and you’ll adopt it” This expression covers a reality: trying out a product allows you to picture yourself and convince users to make a...

Smile Vivatech 2019 report

Vivatech was everywhere for 3 days, all the cutting technology was here, accessible to the tech-savvy person you are. Welcome to our Vivatech 2019 overview. Europe more than ever should...

Tag usa

Innovation Watch #15

This content was sent on june, 26th via our Tech Watch Newsletter We’re still in June but entire Europe, except Portugal, is under big heat waves right now 🥵There’s nothing...

Tag tesla

Smile Innovation’s Watch #21

🥶 Winter is definitely here for most of us and it’s Friday afternoon. Just a few hours before leaving work and don’t want to start an entirely new project? Why...

Innovation Watch #15

This content was sent on june, 26th via our Tech Watch Newsletter We’re still in June but entire Europe, except Portugal, is under big heat waves right now 🥵There’s nothing...

Tag breast-cancer

Innovation Watch #16

This content was sent on july, 10th via our Tech Watch Newsletter We’re still in the early days of July and it feels more comfortable, the air is breathable again....

Tag python

Making a graphic driver for a led panel

Part 1: Context, scope, purpose… and hardware! In 2016, I started passionating myself for the world of IoT. I quickly get attracted by anything visual and especially LEDs as this...

Tag led-lighting

Making a graphic driver for a led panel

Part 1: Context, scope, purpose… and hardware! In 2016, I started passionating myself for the world of IoT. I quickly get attracted by anything visual and especially LEDs as this...

Tag diy

Making a graphic driver for a led panel

Part 1: Context, scope, purpose… and hardware! In 2016, I started passionating myself for the world of IoT. I quickly get attracted by anything visual and especially LEDs as this...

Innovation Watch #17

This content was sent on july, 22th via our Tech Watch Newsletter Brace yourself. Climate change is coming 🥵 While Europe is getting ready for a new heatwave, us, at...

Tag mental-health

Innovation Watch #17

This content was sent on july, 22th via our Tech Watch Newsletter Brace yourself. Climate change is coming 🥵 While Europe is getting ready for a new heatwave, us, at...

Tag virtual-reality


In France, we say “try it and you’ll adopt it” This expression covers a reality: trying out a product allows you to picture yourself and convince users to make a...

Smile Innovation’s Watch #21

🥶 Winter is definitely here for most of us and it’s Friday afternoon. Just a few hours before leaving work and don’t want to start an entirely new project? Why...

What can we do with a Magic Leap ?

Magic Leap and Augmented Reality TL;DR; I briefly talk about Augmented Reality (AR), where your vision isn’t blocked by a device and the differences with Virtual Reality (VR), where your...

Tag augmented-reality


In France, we say “try it and you’ll adopt it” This expression covers a reality: trying out a product allows you to picture yourself and convince users to make a...

Magic Leap: Getting started on Unreal Engine

In this article, I will be demonstrating how to install and set up your computer itowork with the Magic Leap SDK. Magic Leap SDK First, you will need to download...

What can we do with a Magic Leap ?

Magic Leap and Augmented Reality TL;DR; I briefly talk about Augmented Reality (AR), where your vision isn’t blocked by a device and the differences with Virtual Reality (VR), where your...

Tag hololens

What can we do with a Magic Leap ?

Magic Leap and Augmented Reality TL;DR; I briefly talk about Augmented Reality (AR), where your vision isn’t blocked by a device and the differences with Virtual Reality (VR), where your...

Tag development

AI for code

AI allows us to understand and measure codebase in a new way, and those last years have been exciting with startups trying to get the best of what AI on...

Magic Leap: Getting started on Unreal Engine

In this article, I will be demonstrating how to install and set up your computer itowork with the Magic Leap SDK. Magic Leap SDK First, you will need to download...

What can we do with a Magic Leap ?

Magic Leap and Augmented Reality TL;DR; I briefly talk about Augmented Reality (AR), where your vision isn’t blocked by a device and the differences with Virtual Reality (VR), where your...

Tag intel

Innovation Watch #18

This content was sent on august, 8th via our Tech Watch Newsletter Following our effort on the last edition, we’ll focus on how our #mentalhealth is influenced by technology and...

Tag doordash

Innovation Watch #18

This content was sent on august, 8th via our Tech Watch Newsletter Following our effort on the last edition, we’ll focus on how our #mentalhealth is influenced by technology and...

Tag github

Smile Innovation’s Tech watch #25

Reading this email, you’re probably in lockdown, mandatory, or because you care about doing your best to protect people around you. Well, to help you clear your mind or not...

Smile Innovation’s watch #24

Here we are, edition 24. And this is a solid one. So long that when we sent it out, it was too big for Gmail displaying it entirely, and we...

Innovation Watch #18

This content was sent on august, 8th via our Tech Watch Newsletter Following our effort on the last edition, we’ll focus on how our #mentalhealth is influenced by technology and...

Tag unreal-engine

Magic Leap: Getting started on Unreal Engine

In this article, I will be demonstrating how to install and set up your computer itowork with the Magic Leap SDK. Magic Leap SDK First, you will need to download...

Tag setup

Magic Leap: Getting started on Unreal Engine

In this article, I will be demonstrating how to install and set up your computer itowork with the Magic Leap SDK. Magic Leap SDK First, you will need to download...

Tag biometrics

Innovation Watch #19

Everyone is on holiday including me 🏖. Let’s face it. But it will not prevent us to provide you with your bi-weekly dose of tech news. Let’s start with a...

Tag apple-card

Innovation Watch #19

Everyone is on holiday including me 🏖. Let’s face it. But it will not prevent us to provide you with your bi-weekly dose of tech news. Let’s start with a...

Tag fake-news

Innovation Watch #19

Everyone is on holiday including me 🏖. Let’s face it. But it will not prevent us to provide you with your bi-weekly dose of tech news. Let’s start with a...

Tag telegram

Smile Innovation’s Watch — #20

It’s 🏫back to school season, the public transportation will be crowded again and you’ll probably make more time to go to work. Let’s face it. But it’s also the time...

Tag paas

Simple and lightweight Kubernetes DevOps stack

We have chosen Rancher, Harbor, Gitea, and Drone on a real production Kubernetes cluster. We reduced CPU and memory usage as well as the storage, and of course carbon footprint....

Tag ci-cd-pipeline

Simple and lightweight Kubernetes DevOps stack

We have chosen Rancher, Harbor, Gitea, and Drone on a real production Kubernetes cluster. We reduced CPU and memory usage as well as the storage, and of course carbon footprint....

Tag rancher

Simple and lightweight Kubernetes DevOps stack

We have chosen Rancher, Harbor, Gitea, and Drone on a real production Kubernetes cluster. We reduced CPU and memory usage as well as the storage, and of course carbon footprint....

Tag self-driving-cars

Smile Innovation’s watch #22

Wow! What a 🏃‍♂️final sprint until the finish line of the year for us! It’s a long time without a Techwatch. Enough to made us lost count of exciting news,...

Tag tech4good

Smile Innovation’s watch #22

Wow! What a 🏃‍♂️final sprint until the finish line of the year for us! It’s a long time without a Techwatch. Enough to made us lost count of exciting news,...

Tag uber

Smile Innovation’s watch #23

New year, New you! I don’t know if you notice, but we redesigned the categories of information to better suit what we want to share with you and how we...

Tag home-automation

Smile Innovation’s watch #23

New year, New you! I don’t know if you notice, but we redesigned the categories of information to better suit what we want to share with you and how we...

Tag fosdem

Smile FOSDEM 2020 report

The primary free software and open-source event in Brussels was, as usual, full of exciting presentations and folks from all corners of the computing world. The FOSDEM celebrated its twentieth...

Tag internet

Smile FOSDEM 2020 report

The primary free software and open-source event in Brussels was, as usual, full of exciting presentations and folks from all corners of the computing world. The FOSDEM celebrated its twentieth...

Tag cyborg

Smile Innovation’s watch #24

Here we are, edition 24. And this is a solid one. So long that when we sent it out, it was too big for Gmail displaying it entirely, and we...

Tag hacking

Smile Innovation’s Tech watch #25

Reading this email, you’re probably in lockdown, mandatory, or because you care about doing your best to protect people around you. Well, to help you clear your mind or not...

Tag space

Smile Innovation’s Tech watch #25

Reading this email, you’re probably in lockdown, mandatory, or because you care about doing your best to protect people around you. Well, to help you clear your mind or not...

Tag deepfakes

Smile’s Innovation Watch #27

☀️ Summer is here, and even if most of us have a 🏡 #staycation this year and that kinda sucks, let’s take time to reflect on the way we are,...

Smile Innovation’s watch #26

So lockdown and remote working is our new way of living for a couple of weeks now. But that doesn’t stop us to curate a list of excellent articles to...

Tag cashierless

Smile Innovation’s watch #26

So lockdown and remote working is our new way of living for a couple of weeks now. But that doesn’t stop us to curate a list of excellent articles to...

Tag google-pay

Smile Innovation’s watch #26

So lockdown and remote working is our new way of living for a couple of weeks now. But that doesn’t stop us to curate a list of excellent articles to...

Tag twitter

Smile’s Innovation Watch #27

☀️ Summer is here, and even if most of us have a 🏡 #staycation this year and that kinda sucks, let’s take time to reflect on the way we are,...

Tag tiktok-app

Smile’s Innovation Watch #27

☀️ Summer is here, and even if most of us have a 🏡 #staycation this year and that kinda sucks, let’s take time to reflect on the way we are,...

Tag neumorphism

Smile’s Innovation Watch #27

☀️ Summer is here, and even if most of us have a 🏡 #staycation this year and that kinda sucks, let’s take time to reflect on the way we are,...


Smile’s Innovation Watch #28

☀️ Summer is here, and even if most of us have a 🏡 #staycation this year and that kinda sucks, let’s take time to reflect on the way we are,...

Tag Airbus

Smile’s Innovation Watch #28

☀️ Summer is here, and even if most of us have a 🏡 #staycation this year and that kinda sucks, let’s take time to reflect on the way we are,...


Smile’s Innovation Watch #28

☀️ Summer is here, and even if most of us have a 🏡 #staycation this year and that kinda sucks, let’s take time to reflect on the way we are,...

Tag Facial Recognition

Smile’s Innovation Watch #28

☀️ Summer is here, and even if most of us have a 🏡 #staycation this year and that kinda sucks, let’s take time to reflect on the way we are,...

Tag Apple

Smile’s Innovation Watch #43

Welcome to our 43rd Tech Watch! This edition brings you right into the heart of some thrilling tech advancements and pivotal shifts in the digital world. Imagine the power of...

Smile’s Innovation Watch #41

Greetings, tech enthusiasts! As we dive into our 41st edition of Smile Innovation Watch, the omnipresent AI buzz is hard to sidestep. Yet, beyond this digital giant, lie vibrant innovations...

Smile’s Innovation Watch #35

Welcome to the 35th issue of Smile’s Innovation Watch, your premier source for exploring the latest developments and trends in technology 🤞. In this issue, we delve into some of...

Smile’s Innovation Watch #34

Welcome to Smile’s Innovation Watch #34! We are thrilled to be back this year with the time and budget to bring our newsletter back to its full capacity. In this...

Smile’s Innovation Watch #29

It’s already back to school season 🏫 Time passed like a snap 👌 and we barely realize, stuck in our home, that months have passed. Since we’re progressively adapting to...

Smile’s Innovation Watch #28

☀️ Summer is here, and even if most of us have a 🏡 #staycation this year and that kinda sucks, let’s take time to reflect on the way we are,...

Tag Facebook

Smile’s Innovation Watch #44

In this 44th edition of the Smile Innovation Watch, we’re taking a lighter and more cheerful approach, showcasing the quirky and creative side of technology. From the Sol Reader bringing...

Smile’s Innovation Watch #43

Welcome to our 43rd Tech Watch! This edition brings you right into the heart of some thrilling tech advancements and pivotal shifts in the digital world. Imagine the power of...

Smile’s Innovation Watch #33

How to start a new year better than with a tech watch? 😁 OK, I agree, I’m going to be rather parochial on that one. Well, first of all, I...

Smile’s Innovation Watch #29

It’s already back to school season 🏫 Time passed like a snap 👌 and we barely realize, stuck in our home, that months have passed. Since we’re progressively adapting to...

Smile’s Innovation Watch #28

☀️ Summer is here, and even if most of us have a 🏡 #staycation this year and that kinda sucks, let’s take time to reflect on the way we are,...

Tag Github

Smile’s Innovation Watch #35

Welcome to the 35th issue of Smile’s Innovation Watch, your premier source for exploring the latest developments and trends in technology 🤞. In this issue, we delve into some of...

Smile’s Innovation Watch #28

☀️ Summer is here, and even if most of us have a 🏡 #staycation this year and that kinda sucks, let’s take time to reflect on the way we are,...


Smile’s Innovation Watch #28

☀️ Summer is here, and even if most of us have a 🏡 #staycation this year and that kinda sucks, let’s take time to reflect on the way we are,...

Tag 3D Printing

Smile’s Innovation Watch #28

☀️ Summer is here, and even if most of us have a 🏡 #staycation this year and that kinda sucks, let’s take time to reflect on the way we are,...

Tag Deepfake

Smile’s Innovation Watch #28

☀️ Summer is here, and even if most of us have a 🏡 #staycation this year and that kinda sucks, let’s take time to reflect on the way we are,...


Smile’s Innovation Watch #28

☀️ Summer is here, and even if most of us have a 🏡 #staycation this year and that kinda sucks, let’s take time to reflect on the way we are,...

Tag Twitter

Smile’s Innovation Watch #43

Welcome to our 43rd Tech Watch! This edition brings you right into the heart of some thrilling tech advancements and pivotal shifts in the digital world. Imagine the power of...

Smile’s Innovation Watch #39

Wow, long time no see! I feel like I’m saying this every couple of weeks / months when I finally find time to send you this extract of our curation...

Smile’s Innovation Watch #28

☀️ Summer is here, and even if most of us have a 🏡 #staycation this year and that kinda sucks, let’s take time to reflect on the way we are,...

Tag TikTok

Smile’s Innovation Watch #37

Welcome to the latest issue of “Smile’s Tech Watch,” where we continue to deliver on our promise of keeping you up-to-date with the ever-evolving world of technology ✨. We’re excited...

Smile’s Innovation Watch #29

It’s already back to school season 🏫 Time passed like a snap 👌 and we barely realize, stuck in our home, that months have passed. Since we’re progressively adapting to...

Smile’s Innovation Watch #28

☀️ Summer is here, and even if most of us have a 🏡 #staycation this year and that kinda sucks, let’s take time to reflect on the way we are,...

Tag Microsoft

Smile’s Innovation Watch #44

In this 44th edition of the Smile Innovation Watch, we’re taking a lighter and more cheerful approach, showcasing the quirky and creative side of technology. From the Sol Reader bringing...

Smile’s Innovation Watch #37

Welcome to the latest issue of “Smile’s Tech Watch,” where we continue to deliver on our promise of keeping you up-to-date with the ever-evolving world of technology ✨. We’re excited...

Smile’s Innovation Watch #28

☀️ Summer is here, and even if most of us have a 🏡 #staycation this year and that kinda sucks, let’s take time to reflect on the way we are,...

Tag headless-commerce

Where do I start my journey to headless eCommerce?

You shouldn’t think about an e-commerce platform as a one-fit-all solution because there is no such thing; the devil hides in the details and your margin and profit. As you...

I want my CDN Application!

Performance and time to interaction are key to increase conversion and retention. And for that, PWA has done an amazing job promoting a new way of building applications. But pages...

Headless commerce

The eCommerce industry is full of challenges and the first one is the need to build a strong yet adaptive solution: robust to handle traffic peaks/seasonality and adaptive enough to...

Tag headless

Where do I start my journey to headless eCommerce?

You shouldn’t think about an e-commerce platform as a one-fit-all solution because there is no such thing; the devil hides in the details and your margin and profit. As you...

Headless commerce

The eCommerce industry is full of challenges and the first one is the need to build a strong yet adaptive solution: robust to handle traffic peaks/seasonality and adaptive enough to...

Tag headless-cms

Headless commerce

The eCommerce industry is full of challenges and the first one is the need to build a strong yet adaptive solution: robust to handle traffic peaks/seasonality and adaptive enough to...

Tag Cryptocurrency

Smile’s Innovation Watch #37

Welcome to the latest issue of “Smile’s Tech Watch,” where we continue to deliver on our promise of keeping you up-to-date with the ever-evolving world of technology ✨. We’re excited...

Smile’s Innovation Watch #29

It’s already back to school season 🏫 Time passed like a snap 👌 and we barely realize, stuck in our home, that months have passed. Since we’re progressively adapting to...

Tag LG

Smile’s Innovation Watch #29

It’s already back to school season 🏫 Time passed like a snap 👌 and we barely realize, stuck in our home, that months have passed. Since we’re progressively adapting to...

Tag Uber

Smile’s Innovation Watch #34

Welcome to Smile’s Innovation Watch #34! We are thrilled to be back this year with the time and budget to bring our newsletter back to its full capacity. In this...

Smile’s Innovation Watch #29

It’s already back to school season 🏫 Time passed like a snap 👌 and we barely realize, stuck in our home, that months have passed. Since we’re progressively adapting to...

Tag Surgery

Smile’s Innovation Watch #29

It’s already back to school season 🏫 Time passed like a snap 👌 and we barely realize, stuck in our home, that months have passed. Since we’re progressively adapting to...

Tag Robotic

Smile’s Innovation Watch #29

It’s already back to school season 🏫 Time passed like a snap 👌 and we barely realize, stuck in our home, that months have passed. Since we’re progressively adapting to...

Tag Switzerland

Smile’s Innovation Watch #29

It’s already back to school season 🏫 Time passed like a snap 👌 and we barely realize, stuck in our home, that months have passed. Since we’re progressively adapting to...

Tag Mozilla

Smile’s Innovation Watch #39

Wow, long time no see! I feel like I’m saying this every couple of weeks / months when I finally find time to send you this extract of our curation...

Smile’s Innovation Watch #29

It’s already back to school season 🏫 Time passed like a snap 👌 and we barely realize, stuck in our home, that months have passed. Since we’re progressively adapting to...

Tag GitHub

Smile’s Innovation Watch #29

It’s already back to school season 🏫 Time passed like a snap 👌 and we barely realize, stuck in our home, that months have passed. Since we’re progressively adapting to...

Tag China

Smile’s Innovation Watch #29

It’s already back to school season 🏫 Time passed like a snap 👌 and we barely realize, stuck in our home, that months have passed. Since we’re progressively adapting to...

Tag Burger King

Smile’s Innovation Watch #29

It’s already back to school season 🏫 Time passed like a snap 👌 and we barely realize, stuck in our home, that months have passed. Since we’re progressively adapting to...

Tag Amazon

Smile’s Innovation Watch #44

In this 44th edition of the Smile Innovation Watch, we’re taking a lighter and more cheerful approach, showcasing the quirky and creative side of technology. From the Sol Reader bringing...

Smile’s Innovation Watch #42

Welcome to the 42nd edition of our Tech Watch, and as we unravel the mysteries of the innovation universe, we can’t help but chuckle at the cosmic coincidence of this...

Smile’s Innovation Watch #40

Hello Innovators 👋 Welcome to the 40th edition of “Smile Innovation Watch”. I’m Thibault Milan, your Innovation Director at Smile, thrilled to guide you through a snapshot of the latest...

Smile’s Innovation Watch #37

Welcome to the latest issue of “Smile’s Tech Watch,” where we continue to deliver on our promise of keeping you up-to-date with the ever-evolving world of technology ✨. We’re excited...

Smile’s Innovation Watch #36

Welcome to the 36th issue of Smile Innovation Watch, where we keep an eye on the latest and greatest in the world of innovation 👨🏻‍💻. From the fun and quirky...

Smile’s Innovation Watch #29

It’s already back to school season 🏫 Time passed like a snap 👌 and we barely realize, stuck in our home, that months have passed. Since we’re progressively adapting to...

Tag Ikea

Smile’s Innovation Watch #29

It’s already back to school season 🏫 Time passed like a snap 👌 and we barely realize, stuck in our home, that months have passed. Since we’re progressively adapting to...

Tag Virtual Influencer

Smile’s Innovation Watch #29

It’s already back to school season 🏫 Time passed like a snap 👌 and we barely realize, stuck in our home, that months have passed. Since we’re progressively adapting to...

Tag Xiaomi

Smile’s Innovation Watch #29

It’s already back to school season 🏫 Time passed like a snap 👌 and we barely realize, stuck in our home, that months have passed. Since we’re progressively adapting to...

Smile’s Innovation Watch #29

It’s already back to school season 🏫 Time passed like a snap 👌 and we barely realize, stuck in our home, that months have passed. Since we’re progressively adapting to...

Tag Mario Kart

Smile’s Innovation Watch #29

It’s already back to school season 🏫 Time passed like a snap 👌 and we barely realize, stuck in our home, that months have passed. Since we’re progressively adapting to...

Tag Nintento

Smile’s Innovation Watch #29

It’s already back to school season 🏫 Time passed like a snap 👌 and we barely realize, stuck in our home, that months have passed. Since we’re progressively adapting to...

Tag Augmented Reality

Smile’s Innovation Watch #29

It’s already back to school season 🏫 Time passed like a snap 👌 and we barely realize, stuck in our home, that months have passed. Since we’re progressively adapting to...

Tag Netflix

Smile’s Innovation Watch #29

It’s already back to school season 🏫 Time passed like a snap 👌 and we barely realize, stuck in our home, that months have passed. Since we’re progressively adapting to...

Tag microservices

Composable commerce  —  Legacy management and progressive migration

Where you probably stand from A spaghetti architecture with data everywhere, resources are tightly coupled, evolutions are limited due to your systems’ complexity, so your developer experience is terrible. Too...

Tag graphql

I want my CDN Application!

Performance and time to interaction are key to increase conversion and retention. And for that, PWA has done an amazing job promoting a new way of building applications. But pages...

Composable commerce  —  Legacy management and progressive migration

Where you probably stand from A spaghetti architecture with data everywhere, resources are tightly coupled, evolutions are limited due to your systems’ complexity, so your developer experience is terrible. Too...

Tag composable-commerce

Composable commerce  —  Legacy management and progressive migration

Where you probably stand from A spaghetti architecture with data everywhere, resources are tightly coupled, evolutions are limited due to your systems’ complexity, so your developer experience is terrible. Too...

Tag e-commerce-solution

Composable commerce  —  Legacy management and progressive migration

Where you probably stand from A spaghetti architecture with data everywhere, resources are tightly coupled, evolutions are limited due to your systems’ complexity, so your developer experience is terrible. Too...

Tag pwa-for-ecommerce

I want my CDN Application!

Performance and time to interaction are key to increase conversion and retention. And for that, PWA has done an amazing job promoting a new way of building applications. But pages...

Tag jamstack

Where do I start my journey to headless eCommerce?

You shouldn’t think about an e-commerce platform as a one-fit-all solution because there is no such thing; the devil hides in the details and your margin and profit. As you...

I want my CDN Application!

Performance and time to interaction are key to increase conversion and retention. And for that, PWA has done an amazing job promoting a new way of building applications. But pages...

Tag industry


In France, we say “try it and you’ll adopt it” This expression covers a reality: trying out a product allows you to picture yourself and convince users to make a...

Tag serverless

Where do I start my journey to headless eCommerce?

You shouldn’t think about an e-commerce platform as a one-fit-all solution because there is no such thing; the devil hides in the details and your margin and profit. As you...

Tag kafka

Mastering Confluent Schema Registry

Part 1: What is Schema Registry This article is part of a series of articles on Schema Registry. The purpose of this serie is to describe how to implement and...

Tag confluent-kafka

Mastering Confluent Schema Registry

Part 1: What is Schema Registry This article is part of a series of articles on Schema Registry. The purpose of this serie is to describe how to implement and...

Tag schemaregistry

Mastering Confluent Schema Registry

Part 1: What is Schema Registry This article is part of a series of articles on Schema Registry. The purpose of this serie is to describe how to implement and...

Tag apache-kafka

Mastering Confluent Schema Registry

Part 1: What is Schema Registry This article is part of a series of articles on Schema Registry. The purpose of this serie is to describe how to implement and...

Tag nlp

AI for code

AI allows us to understand and measure codebase in a new way, and those last years have been exciting with startups trying to get the best of what AI on...

Tag code

AI for code

AI allows us to understand and measure codebase in a new way, and those last years have been exciting with startups trying to get the best of what AI on...

Tag tech-manager

AI for code

AI allows us to understand and measure codebase in a new way, and those last years have been exciting with startups trying to get the best of what AI on...

Tag mass-surveillance

Smile’s Innovation Watch #30

Our first techwatch of 2021. I can’t believe it’s already July, and we miss the opportunity to share with you so much great tech stuff we scouted all around. Sure,...

Tag kyc

Smile’s Innovation Watch #30

Our first techwatch of 2021. I can’t believe it’s already July, and we miss the opportunity to share with you so much great tech stuff we scouted all around. Sure,...

Starting from scratch, how to embed computer vision techniques into your project #4

Part 4— Integration How to integrate it? The SageMaker work is done. We have a data set with labels, a trained model, and an endpoint to request objects detection. But...

Starting from scratch, how to embed computer vision techniques into your project #3

Part 3 — Model training Open your book at chapter 1: what is a screwdriver? We have now nearly reached the training phase. To start this phase, the only missing...

Starting from scratch, how to embed computer vision techniques into your project #2

Part 2 — Training data set Ok, let’s do it A lot of Screwdrivers First, we need a significant amount of screwdrivers (and hammer, paintbrush, etc.) images. And to teach...

Starting from scratch, how to embed computer vision techniques into your project

A practical guide to answering this question: is this a screwdriver or a hammer? Smile is the proud editor of ElasticSuite, a great Magento open-source extension, with more than a...

Tag army

Smile’s Innovation Watch #31

🍁It’s the fall season. Some of us are in love with the beautiful colors of the landscape, and some have their mood sinking as the RMS Titanic. That’s why we...

Tag hologram

Smile’s Innovation Watch #31

🍁It’s the fall season. Some of us are in love with the beautiful colors of the landscape, and some have their mood sinking as the RMS Titanic. That’s why we...

Tag captcha

Smile’s Innovation Watch #31

🍁It’s the fall season. Some of us are in love with the beautiful colors of the landscape, and some have their mood sinking as the RMS Titanic. That’s why we...

Tag meta

Smile’s Innovation Watch #32

It’s December once more and, if you’ve not already managed the 🎁 “presents” situation, you must know that delivery is a complete mess this year again, thanks to COVID which...

Tag paypal

Smile’s Innovation Watch #32

It’s December once more and, if you’ve not already managed the 🎁 “presents” situation, you must know that delivery is a complete mess this year again, thanks to COVID which...

Tag ebcdic

Smile’s Innovation Watch #32

It’s December once more and, if you’ve not already managed the 🎁 “presents” situation, you must know that delivery is a complete mess this year again, thanks to COVID which...

Tag Map

Smile’s Innovation Watch #33

How to start a new year better than with a tech watch? 😁 OK, I agree, I’m going to be rather parochial on that one. Well, first of all, I...

Tag Boat

Smile’s Innovation Watch #33

How to start a new year better than with a tech watch? 😁 OK, I agree, I’m going to be rather parochial on that one. Well, first of all, I...


Smile’s Innovation Watch #33

How to start a new year better than with a tech watch? 😁 OK, I agree, I’m going to be rather parochial on that one. Well, first of all, I...

Tag Samsung

Smile’s Innovation Watch #35

Welcome to the 35th issue of Smile’s Innovation Watch, your premier source for exploring the latest developments and trends in technology 🤞. In this issue, we delve into some of...

Smile’s Innovation Watch #33

How to start a new year better than with a tech watch? 😁 OK, I agree, I’m going to be rather parochial on that one. Well, first of all, I...

Tag Huawei

Smile’s Innovation Watch #33

How to start a new year better than with a tech watch? 😁 OK, I agree, I’m going to be rather parochial on that one. Well, first of all, I...

Tag Electric Car

Smile’s Innovation Watch #33

How to start a new year better than with a tech watch? 😁 OK, I agree, I’m going to be rather parochial on that one. Well, first of all, I...

Tag Firefox

Smile’s Innovation Watch #39

Wow, long time no see! I feel like I’m saying this every couple of weeks / months when I finally find time to send you this extract of our curation...

Smile’s Innovation Watch #33

How to start a new year better than with a tech watch? 😁 OK, I agree, I’m going to be rather parochial on that one. Well, first of all, I...

Tag Snapchat

Smile’s Innovation Watch #33

How to start a new year better than with a tech watch? 😁 OK, I agree, I’m going to be rather parochial on that one. Well, first of all, I...

Tag DoorDash

Smile’s Innovation Watch #33

How to start a new year better than with a tech watch? 😁 OK, I agree, I’m going to be rather parochial on that one. Well, first of all, I...

Tag On-demand Economy

Smile’s Innovation Watch #33

How to start a new year better than with a tech watch? 😁 OK, I agree, I’m going to be rather parochial on that one. Well, first of all, I...

Tag France

Smile’s Innovation Watch #33

How to start a new year better than with a tech watch? 😁 OK, I agree, I’m going to be rather parochial on that one. Well, first of all, I...

Tag Wish

Smile’s Innovation Watch #33

How to start a new year better than with a tech watch? 😁 OK, I agree, I’m going to be rather parochial on that one. Well, first of all, I...

Tag McDonald's

Smile’s Innovation Watch #34

Welcome to Smile’s Innovation Watch #34! We are thrilled to be back this year with the time and budget to bring our newsletter back to its full capacity. In this...

Tag Google

Smile’s Innovation Watch #42

Welcome to the 42nd edition of our Tech Watch, and as we unravel the mysteries of the innovation universe, we can’t help but chuckle at the cosmic coincidence of this...

Smile’s Innovation Watch #38

Hello, dear readers! ✌️ Welcome to the 38th edition of “Smile Innovation Watch.” We know you’re busy, so we’ve handpicked nine quick yet fascinating tech stories for you to skim...

Smile’s Innovation Watch #34

Welcome to Smile’s Innovation Watch #34! We are thrilled to be back this year with the time and budget to bring our newsletter back to its full capacity. In this...

Tag Starline

Smile’s Innovation Watch #34

Welcome to Smile’s Innovation Watch #34! We are thrilled to be back this year with the time and budget to bring our newsletter back to its full capacity. In this...

Tag Satellites

Smile’s Innovation Watch #34

Welcome to Smile’s Innovation Watch #34! We are thrilled to be back this year with the time and budget to bring our newsletter back to its full capacity. In this...


Smile’s Innovation Watch #34

Welcome to Smile’s Innovation Watch #34! We are thrilled to be back this year with the time and budget to bring our newsletter back to its full capacity. In this...

Tag AWS Honeycode

Smile’s Innovation Watch #34

Welcome to Smile’s Innovation Watch #34! We are thrilled to be back this year with the time and budget to bring our newsletter back to its full capacity. In this...

Tag Superapp

Smile’s Innovation Watch #34

Welcome to Smile’s Innovation Watch #34! We are thrilled to be back this year with the time and budget to bring our newsletter back to its full capacity. In this...

Tag ChatGPT

Smile’s Innovation Watch #41

Greetings, tech enthusiasts! As we dive into our 41st edition of Smile Innovation Watch, the omnipresent AI buzz is hard to sidestep. Yet, beyond this digital giant, lie vibrant innovations...

Smile’s Innovation Watch #38

Hello, dear readers! ✌️ Welcome to the 38th edition of “Smile Innovation Watch.” We know you’re busy, so we’ve handpicked nine quick yet fascinating tech stories for you to skim...

Smile’s Innovation Watch #34

Welcome to Smile’s Innovation Watch #34! We are thrilled to be back this year with the time and budget to bring our newsletter back to its full capacity. In this...

Tag digital clone

Smile’s Innovation Watch #35

Welcome to the 35th issue of Smile’s Innovation Watch, your premier source for exploring the latest developments and trends in technology 🤞. In this issue, we delve into some of...

Tag openAI

Smile’s Innovation Watch #35

Welcome to the 35th issue of Smile’s Innovation Watch, your premier source for exploring the latest developments and trends in technology 🤞. In this issue, we delve into some of...

Tag Copilot

Smile’s Innovation Watch #35

Welcome to the 35th issue of Smile’s Innovation Watch, your premier source for exploring the latest developments and trends in technology 🤞. In this issue, we delve into some of...

Tag Linux Foundation

Smile’s Innovation Watch #35

Welcome to the 35th issue of Smile’s Innovation Watch, your premier source for exploring the latest developments and trends in technology 🤞. In this issue, we delve into some of...

Tag End-to-end encryption

Smile’s Innovation Watch #35

Welcome to the 35th issue of Smile’s Innovation Watch, your premier source for exploring the latest developments and trends in technology 🤞. In this issue, we delve into some of...

Tag Gmail

Smile’s Innovation Watch #35

Welcome to the 35th issue of Smile’s Innovation Watch, your premier source for exploring the latest developments and trends in technology 🤞. In this issue, we delve into some of...

Tag iOS

Smile’s Innovation Watch #35

Welcome to the 35th issue of Smile’s Innovation Watch, your premier source for exploring the latest developments and trends in technology 🤞. In this issue, we delve into some of...


Smile’s Innovation Watch #43

Welcome to our 43rd Tech Watch! This edition brings you right into the heart of some thrilling tech advancements and pivotal shifts in the digital world. Imagine the power of...

Smile’s Innovation Watch #35

Welcome to the 35th issue of Smile’s Innovation Watch, your premier source for exploring the latest developments and trends in technology 🤞. In this issue, we delve into some of...

Tag Meta Quest Pro

Smile’s Innovation Watch #35

Welcome to the 35th issue of Smile’s Innovation Watch, your premier source for exploring the latest developments and trends in technology 🤞. In this issue, we delve into some of...

Tag Stripe

Smile’s Innovation Watch #36

Welcome to the 36th issue of Smile Innovation Watch, where we keep an eye on the latest and greatest in the world of innovation 👨🏻‍💻. From the fun and quirky...

Tag Zoom

Smile’s Innovation Watch #36

Welcome to the 36th issue of Smile Innovation Watch, where we keep an eye on the latest and greatest in the world of innovation 👨🏻‍💻. From the fun and quirky...

Tag Computer Vision

Smile’s Innovation Watch #36

Welcome to the 36th issue of Smile Innovation Watch, where we keep an eye on the latest and greatest in the world of innovation 👨🏻‍💻. From the fun and quirky...

Tag 3D printing

Smile’s Innovation Watch #36

Welcome to the 36th issue of Smile Innovation Watch, where we keep an eye on the latest and greatest in the world of innovation 👨🏻‍💻. From the fun and quirky...

Tag AI

Smile’s Innovation Watch #44

In this 44th edition of the Smile Innovation Watch, we’re taking a lighter and more cheerful approach, showcasing the quirky and creative side of technology. From the Sol Reader bringing...

Smile’s Innovation Watch #43

Welcome to our 43rd Tech Watch! This edition brings you right into the heart of some thrilling tech advancements and pivotal shifts in the digital world. Imagine the power of...

Smile’s Innovation Watch #42

Welcome to the 42nd edition of our Tech Watch, and as we unravel the mysteries of the innovation universe, we can’t help but chuckle at the cosmic coincidence of this...

Smile’s Innovation Watch #41

Greetings, tech enthusiasts! As we dive into our 41st edition of Smile Innovation Watch, the omnipresent AI buzz is hard to sidestep. Yet, beyond this digital giant, lie vibrant innovations...

Smile’s Innovation Watch #40

Hello Innovators 👋 Welcome to the 40th edition of “Smile Innovation Watch”. I’m Thibault Milan, your Innovation Director at Smile, thrilled to guide you through a snapshot of the latest...

Smile’s Innovation Watch #39

Wow, long time no see! I feel like I’m saying this every couple of weeks / months when I finally find time to send you this extract of our curation...

Smile’s Innovation Watch #38

Hello, dear readers! ✌️ Welcome to the 38th edition of “Smile Innovation Watch.” We know you’re busy, so we’ve handpicked nine quick yet fascinating tech stories for you to skim...

Smile’s Innovation Watch #37

Welcome to the latest issue of “Smile’s Tech Watch,” where we continue to deliver on our promise of keeping you up-to-date with the ever-evolving world of technology ✨. We’re excited...

Smile’s Innovation Watch #36

Welcome to the 36th issue of Smile Innovation Watch, where we keep an eye on the latest and greatest in the world of innovation 👨🏻‍💻. From the fun and quirky...

Tag Politics

Smile’s Innovation Watch #36

Welcome to the 36th issue of Smile Innovation Watch, where we keep an eye on the latest and greatest in the world of innovation 👨🏻‍💻. From the fun and quirky...

Tag Roomba

Smile’s Innovation Watch #36

Welcome to the 36th issue of Smile Innovation Watch, where we keep an eye on the latest and greatest in the world of innovation 👨🏻‍💻. From the fun and quirky...

Tag AI Artist

Smile’s Innovation Watch #36

Welcome to the 36th issue of Smile Innovation Watch, where we keep an eye on the latest and greatest in the world of innovation 👨🏻‍💻. From the fun and quirky...

Tag Healthtech

Smile’s Innovation Watch #37

Welcome to the latest issue of “Smile’s Tech Watch,” where we continue to deliver on our promise of keeping you up-to-date with the ever-evolving world of technology ✨. We’re excited...

Smile’s Innovation Watch #36

Welcome to the 36th issue of Smile Innovation Watch, where we keep an eye on the latest and greatest in the world of innovation 👨🏻‍💻. From the fun and quirky...

Tag Traffic

Smile’s Innovation Watch #36

Welcome to the 36th issue of Smile Innovation Watch, where we keep an eye on the latest and greatest in the world of innovation 👨🏻‍💻. From the fun and quirky...

Tag Meta

Smile’s Innovation Watch #43

Welcome to our 43rd Tech Watch! This edition brings you right into the heart of some thrilling tech advancements and pivotal shifts in the digital world. Imagine the power of...

Smile’s Innovation Watch #42

Welcome to the 42nd edition of our Tech Watch, and as we unravel the mysteries of the innovation universe, we can’t help but chuckle at the cosmic coincidence of this...

Smile’s Innovation Watch #41

Greetings, tech enthusiasts! As we dive into our 41st edition of Smile Innovation Watch, the omnipresent AI buzz is hard to sidestep. Yet, beyond this digital giant, lie vibrant innovations...

Smile’s Innovation Watch #37

Welcome to the latest issue of “Smile’s Tech Watch,” where we continue to deliver on our promise of keeping you up-to-date with the ever-evolving world of technology ✨. We’re excited...

Tag OpenAI

Smile’s Innovation Watch #44

In this 44th edition of the Smile Innovation Watch, we’re taking a lighter and more cheerful approach, showcasing the quirky and creative side of technology. From the Sol Reader bringing...

Smile’s Innovation Watch #43

Welcome to our 43rd Tech Watch! This edition brings you right into the heart of some thrilling tech advancements and pivotal shifts in the digital world. Imagine the power of...

Smile’s Innovation Watch #41

Greetings, tech enthusiasts! As we dive into our 41st edition of Smile Innovation Watch, the omnipresent AI buzz is hard to sidestep. Yet, beyond this digital giant, lie vibrant innovations...

Smile’s Innovation Watch #39

Wow, long time no see! I feel like I’m saying this every couple of weeks / months when I finally find time to send you this extract of our curation...

Smile’s Innovation Watch #38

Hello, dear readers! ✌️ Welcome to the 38th edition of “Smile Innovation Watch.” We know you’re busy, so we’ve handpicked nine quick yet fascinating tech stories for you to skim...

Smile’s Innovation Watch #37

Welcome to the latest issue of “Smile’s Tech Watch,” where we continue to deliver on our promise of keeping you up-to-date with the ever-evolving world of technology ✨. We’re excited...

Tag Metaverse

Smile’s Innovation Watch #37

Welcome to the latest issue of “Smile’s Tech Watch,” where we continue to deliver on our promise of keeping you up-to-date with the ever-evolving world of technology ✨. We’re excited...

Tag gTLD

Smile’s Innovation Watch #37

Welcome to the latest issue of “Smile’s Tech Watch,” where we continue to deliver on our promise of keeping you up-to-date with the ever-evolving world of technology ✨. We’re excited...

Tag git

Smile’s Innovation Watch #37

Welcome to the latest issue of “Smile’s Tech Watch,” where we continue to deliver on our promise of keeping you up-to-date with the ever-evolving world of technology ✨. We’re excited...

Tag Outlook

Smile’s Innovation Watch #37

Welcome to the latest issue of “Smile’s Tech Watch,” where we continue to deliver on our promise of keeping you up-to-date with the ever-evolving world of technology ✨. We’re excited...

Tag Loop

Smile’s Innovation Watch #37

Welcome to the latest issue of “Smile’s Tech Watch,” where we continue to deliver on our promise of keeping you up-to-date with the ever-evolving world of technology ✨. We’re excited...

Tag Notion

Smile’s Innovation Watch #37

Welcome to the latest issue of “Smile’s Tech Watch,” where we continue to deliver on our promise of keeping you up-to-date with the ever-evolving world of technology ✨. We’re excited...

Tag Coinbase

Smile’s Innovation Watch #37

Welcome to the latest issue of “Smile’s Tech Watch,” where we continue to deliver on our promise of keeping you up-to-date with the ever-evolving world of technology ✨. We’re excited...


Smile’s Innovation Watch #37

Welcome to the latest issue of “Smile’s Tech Watch,” where we continue to deliver on our promise of keeping you up-to-date with the ever-evolving world of technology ✨. We’re excited...


Smile’s Innovation Watch #40

Hello Innovators 👋 Welcome to the 40th edition of “Smile Innovation Watch”. I’m Thibault Milan, your Innovation Director at Smile, thrilled to guide you through a snapshot of the latest...

Smile’s Innovation Watch #38

Hello, dear readers! ✌️ Welcome to the 38th edition of “Smile Innovation Watch.” We know you’re busy, so we’ve handpicked nine quick yet fascinating tech stories for you to skim...

Tag GPT3

Smile’s Innovation Watch #38

Hello, dear readers! ✌️ Welcome to the 38th edition of “Smile Innovation Watch.” We know you’re busy, so we’ve handpicked nine quick yet fascinating tech stories for you to skim...

Tag Adobe

Smile’s Innovation Watch #42

Welcome to the 42nd edition of our Tech Watch, and as we unravel the mysteries of the innovation universe, we can’t help but chuckle at the cosmic coincidence of this...

Smile’s Innovation Watch #38

Hello, dear readers! ✌️ Welcome to the 38th edition of “Smile Innovation Watch.” We know you’re busy, so we’ve handpicked nine quick yet fascinating tech stories for you to skim...

Tag Firefly

Smile’s Innovation Watch #38

Hello, dear readers! ✌️ Welcome to the 38th edition of “Smile Innovation Watch.” We know you’re busy, so we’ve handpicked nine quick yet fascinating tech stories for you to skim...

Tag Bard

Smile’s Innovation Watch #38

Hello, dear readers! ✌️ Welcome to the 38th edition of “Smile Innovation Watch.” We know you’re busy, so we’ve handpicked nine quick yet fascinating tech stories for you to skim...

Tag DuckDuckGo

Smile’s Innovation Watch #38

Hello, dear readers! ✌️ Welcome to the 38th edition of “Smile Innovation Watch.” We know you’re busy, so we’ve handpicked nine quick yet fascinating tech stories for you to skim...

Tag AdGuard

Smile’s Innovation Watch #38

Hello, dear readers! ✌️ Welcome to the 38th edition of “Smile Innovation Watch.” We know you’re busy, so we’ve handpicked nine quick yet fascinating tech stories for you to skim...

Tag Privacy Sandbox

Smile’s Innovation Watch #38

Hello, dear readers! ✌️ Welcome to the 38th edition of “Smile Innovation Watch.” We know you’re busy, so we’ve handpicked nine quick yet fascinating tech stories for you to skim...

Tag Android

Smile’s Innovation Watch #38

Hello, dear readers! ✌️ Welcome to the 38th edition of “Smile Innovation Watch.” We know you’re busy, so we’ve handpicked nine quick yet fascinating tech stories for you to skim...

Tag Push API

Smile’s Innovation Watch #38

Hello, dear readers! ✌️ Welcome to the 38th edition of “Smile Innovation Watch.” We know you’re busy, so we’ve handpicked nine quick yet fascinating tech stories for you to skim...

Tag PaLM

Smile’s Innovation Watch #38

Hello, dear readers! ✌️ Welcome to the 38th edition of “Smile Innovation Watch.” We know you’re busy, so we’ve handpicked nine quick yet fascinating tech stories for you to skim...

Tag Docker

Smile’s Innovation Watch #38

Hello, dear readers! ✌️ Welcome to the 38th edition of “Smile Innovation Watch.” We know you’re busy, so we’ve handpicked nine quick yet fascinating tech stories for you to skim...

Tag azure

Your private GPT to chat with your documents

A step-by-step guide to build a chatbot that can answer any questions about what’s in your documents What if we build another chatbot? People accustomed to the chatbot concept, and...

Tag openai

From multilingual speech to subtitles

From multilingual speech to subtitles How to build a multilingual video automatic subtitles system Recently we have participated in a public tender related to the need of an innovative automatic...

How to Build a Generative AI Chatbot with RAG Source on AWS

Overview Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) is a technique that combines the strengths of traditional retrieval-based and generative AI-based approaches to question-answering (QA) systems. In a RAG chatbot, the user’s query...

Discover the potential of Search Commerce with GPT: Our feedback

In the world of online commerce, search is a key element in attracting and converting potential customers. Today, we’re going to tell you about a technology that is revolutionizing the...

Your private GPT to chat with your documents

A step-by-step guide to build a chatbot that can answer any questions about what’s in your documents What if we build another chatbot? People accustomed to the chatbot concept, and...

Tag llm

From multilingual speech to subtitles

From multilingual speech to subtitles How to build a multilingual video automatic subtitles system Recently we have participated in a public tender related to the need of an innovative automatic...

How to Build a Generative AI Chatbot with RAG Source on AWS

Overview Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) is a technique that combines the strengths of traditional retrieval-based and generative AI-based approaches to question-answering (QA) systems. In a RAG chatbot, the user’s query...

Generative AI based medical assistant on AWS

Yet another LLM-based chatbot Generative AI and large language models (LLMs) are becoming increasingly popular, and small and big tech companies are releasing new solutions like ChatGPT, Bard, and Llama...

Discover the potential of Search Commerce with GPT: Our feedback

In the world of online commerce, search is a key element in attracting and converting potential customers. Today, we’re going to tell you about a technology that is revolutionizing the...

Your private GPT to chat with your documents

A step-by-step guide to build a chatbot that can answer any questions about what’s in your documents What if we build another chatbot? People accustomed to the chatbot concept, and...

Tag chatgpt

How to Build a Generative AI Chatbot with RAG Source on AWS

Overview Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) is a technique that combines the strengths of traditional retrieval-based and generative AI-based approaches to question-answering (QA) systems. In a RAG chatbot, the user’s query...

Generative AI based medical assistant on AWS

Yet another LLM-based chatbot Generative AI and large language models (LLMs) are becoming increasingly popular, and small and big tech companies are releasing new solutions like ChatGPT, Bard, and Llama...

Discover the potential of Search Commerce with GPT: Our feedback

In the world of online commerce, search is a key element in attracting and converting potential customers. Today, we’re going to tell you about a technology that is revolutionizing the...

Your private GPT to chat with your documents

A step-by-step guide to build a chatbot that can answer any questions about what’s in your documents What if we build another chatbot? People accustomed to the chatbot concept, and...

Tag chatbot

How to Build a Generative AI Chatbot with RAG Source on AWS

Overview Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) is a technique that combines the strengths of traditional retrieval-based and generative AI-based approaches to question-answering (QA) systems. In a RAG chatbot, the user’s query...

Generative AI based medical assistant on AWS

Yet another LLM-based chatbot Generative AI and large language models (LLMs) are becoming increasingly popular, and small and big tech companies are releasing new solutions like ChatGPT, Bard, and Llama...

Discover the potential of Search Commerce with GPT: Our feedback

In the world of online commerce, search is a key element in attracting and converting potential customers. Today, we’re going to tell you about a technology that is revolutionizing the...

Your private GPT to chat with your documents

A step-by-step guide to build a chatbot that can answer any questions about what’s in your documents What if we build another chatbot? People accustomed to the chatbot concept, and...

Tag finance

Your private GPT to chat with your documents

A step-by-step guide to build a chatbot that can answer any questions about what’s in your documents What if we build another chatbot? People accustomed to the chatbot concept, and...

Tag regulatory

Your private GPT to chat with your documents

A step-by-step guide to build a chatbot that can answer any questions about what’s in your documents What if we build another chatbot? People accustomed to the chatbot concept, and...

Tag commerce

Discover the potential of Search Commerce with GPT: Our feedback

In the world of online commerce, search is a key element in attracting and converting potential customers. Today, we’re going to tell you about a technology that is revolutionizing the...

Tag e-retail

Discover the potential of Search Commerce with GPT: Our feedback

In the world of online commerce, search is a key element in attracting and converting potential customers. Today, we’re going to tell you about a technology that is revolutionizing the...

Tag e-commerce

Discover the potential of Search Commerce with GPT: Our feedback

In the world of online commerce, search is a key element in attracting and converting potential customers. Today, we’re going to tell you about a technology that is revolutionizing the...

Tag Chatbot

Smile’s Innovation Watch #39

Wow, long time no see! I feel like I’m saying this every couple of weeks / months when I finally find time to send you this extract of our curation...

Tag CustomerService

Smile’s Innovation Watch #39

Wow, long time no see! I feel like I’m saying this every couple of weeks / months when I finally find time to send you this extract of our curation...

Tag Economy

Smile’s Innovation Watch #39

Wow, long time no see! I feel like I’m saying this every couple of weeks / months when I finally find time to send you this extract of our curation...

Tag GPT4

Smile’s Innovation Watch #39

Wow, long time no see! I feel like I’m saying this every couple of weeks / months when I finally find time to send you this extract of our curation...

Tag Signal

Smile’s Innovation Watch #39

Wow, long time no see! I feel like I’m saying this every couple of weeks / months when I finally find time to send you this extract of our curation...

Tag Privacy

Smile’s Innovation Watch #43

Welcome to our 43rd Tech Watch! This edition brings you right into the heart of some thrilling tech advancements and pivotal shifts in the digital world. Imagine the power of...

Smile’s Innovation Watch #39

Wow, long time no see! I feel like I’m saying this every couple of weeks / months when I finally find time to send you this extract of our curation...

Tag UKSurveillanceLaws

Smile’s Innovation Watch #39

Wow, long time no see! I feel like I’m saying this every couple of weeks / months when I finally find time to send you this extract of our curation...

Tag OnlineSecurity

Smile’s Innovation Watch #39

Wow, long time no see! I feel like I’m saying this every couple of weeks / months when I finally find time to send you this extract of our curation...

Tag MachineLearning

Smile’s Innovation Watch #39

Wow, long time no see! I feel like I’m saying this every couple of weeks / months when I finally find time to send you this extract of our curation...

Tag SemiconductorIndustry

Smile’s Innovation Watch #39

Wow, long time no see! I feel like I’m saying this every couple of weeks / months when I finally find time to send you this extract of our curation...

Tag SocialMedia

Smile’s Innovation Watch #39

Wow, long time no see! I feel like I’m saying this every couple of weeks / months when I finally find time to send you this extract of our curation...

Tag AdRevenue

Smile’s Innovation Watch #39

Wow, long time no see! I feel like I’m saying this every couple of weeks / months when I finally find time to send you this extract of our curation...

Tag Stability AI

Smile’s Innovation Watch #40

Hello Innovators 👋 Welcome to the 40th edition of “Smile Innovation Watch”. I’m Thibault Milan, your Innovation Director at Smile, thrilled to guide you through a snapshot of the latest...

Tag Open-Source

Smile’s Innovation Watch #40

Hello Innovators 👋 Welcome to the 40th edition of “Smile Innovation Watch”. I’m Thibault Milan, your Innovation Director at Smile, thrilled to guide you through a snapshot of the latest...


Smile’s Innovation Watch #40

Hello Innovators 👋 Welcome to the 40th edition of “Smile Innovation Watch”. I’m Thibault Milan, your Innovation Director at Smile, thrilled to guide you through a snapshot of the latest...

Tag Medical AI

Smile’s Innovation Watch #40

Hello Innovators 👋 Welcome to the 40th edition of “Smile Innovation Watch”. I’m Thibault Milan, your Innovation Director at Smile, thrilled to guide you through a snapshot of the latest...

Tag Medtech

Smile’s Innovation Watch #40

Hello Innovators 👋 Welcome to the 40th edition of “Smile Innovation Watch”. I’m Thibault Milan, your Innovation Director at Smile, thrilled to guide you through a snapshot of the latest...


Smile’s Innovation Watch #40

Hello Innovators 👋 Welcome to the 40th edition of “Smile Innovation Watch”. I’m Thibault Milan, your Innovation Director at Smile, thrilled to guide you through a snapshot of the latest...

Tag White House

Smile’s Innovation Watch #40

Hello Innovators 👋 Welcome to the 40th edition of “Smile Innovation Watch”. I’m Thibault Milan, your Innovation Director at Smile, thrilled to guide you through a snapshot of the latest...

Tag Reddit

Smile’s Innovation Watch #40

Hello Innovators 👋 Welcome to the 40th edition of “Smile Innovation Watch”. I’m Thibault Milan, your Innovation Director at Smile, thrilled to guide you through a snapshot of the latest...

Tag Smart Toothbrush

Smile’s Innovation Watch #40

Hello Innovators 👋 Welcome to the 40th edition of “Smile Innovation Watch”. I’m Thibault Milan, your Innovation Director at Smile, thrilled to guide you through a snapshot of the latest...

Tag Minecraft

Smile’s Innovation Watch #40

Hello Innovators 👋 Welcome to the 40th edition of “Smile Innovation Watch”. I’m Thibault Milan, your Innovation Director at Smile, thrilled to guide you through a snapshot of the latest...

Tag GPT-4

Smile’s Innovation Watch #40

Hello Innovators 👋 Welcome to the 40th edition of “Smile Innovation Watch”. I’m Thibault Milan, your Innovation Director at Smile, thrilled to guide you through a snapshot of the latest...

Tag Sonicare

Smile’s Innovation Watch #40

Hello Innovators 👋 Welcome to the 40th edition of “Smile Innovation Watch”. I’m Thibault Milan, your Innovation Director at Smile, thrilled to guide you through a snapshot of the latest...

Tag QR Code

Smile’s Innovation Watch #40

Hello Innovators 👋 Welcome to the 40th edition of “Smile Innovation Watch”. I’m Thibault Milan, your Innovation Director at Smile, thrilled to guide you through a snapshot of the latest...

Tag Stable Diffusion Art

Smile’s Innovation Watch #40

Hello Innovators 👋 Welcome to the 40th edition of “Smile Innovation Watch”. I’m Thibault Milan, your Innovation Director at Smile, thrilled to guide you through a snapshot of the latest...

Tag USA Federal Reserve

Smile’s Innovation Watch #41

Greetings, tech enthusiasts! As we dive into our 41st edition of Smile Innovation Watch, the omnipresent AI buzz is hard to sidestep. Yet, beyond this digital giant, lie vibrant innovations...

Tag Instant Payment

Smile’s Innovation Watch #41

Greetings, tech enthusiasts! As we dive into our 41st edition of Smile Innovation Watch, the omnipresent AI buzz is hard to sidestep. Yet, beyond this digital giant, lie vibrant innovations...

Tag Magic Leap

Smile’s Innovation Watch #41

Greetings, tech enthusiasts! As we dive into our 41st edition of Smile Innovation Watch, the omnipresent AI buzz is hard to sidestep. Yet, beyond this digital giant, lie vibrant innovations...

Tag AR

Smile’s Innovation Watch #44

In this 44th edition of the Smile Innovation Watch, we’re taking a lighter and more cheerful approach, showcasing the quirky and creative side of technology. From the Sol Reader bringing...

Smile’s Innovation Watch #41

Greetings, tech enthusiasts! As we dive into our 41st edition of Smile Innovation Watch, the omnipresent AI buzz is hard to sidestep. Yet, beyond this digital giant, lie vibrant innovations...

Tag Generative AI

Smile’s Innovation Watch #41

Greetings, tech enthusiasts! As we dive into our 41st edition of Smile Innovation Watch, the omnipresent AI buzz is hard to sidestep. Yet, beyond this digital giant, lie vibrant innovations...

Tag Alibaba

Smile’s Innovation Watch #41

Greetings, tech enthusiasts! As we dive into our 41st edition of Smile Innovation Watch, the omnipresent AI buzz is hard to sidestep. Yet, beyond this digital giant, lie vibrant innovations...

Tag Continue

Smile’s Innovation Watch #41

Greetings, tech enthusiasts! As we dive into our 41st edition of Smile Innovation Watch, the omnipresent AI buzz is hard to sidestep. Yet, beyond this digital giant, lie vibrant innovations...

Tag AI Code Generator

Smile’s Innovation Watch #41

Greetings, tech enthusiasts! As we dive into our 41st edition of Smile Innovation Watch, the omnipresent AI buzz is hard to sidestep. Yet, beyond this digital giant, lie vibrant innovations...

Tag bedrock

How to Build a Generative AI Chatbot with RAG Source on AWS

Overview Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) is a technique that combines the strengths of traditional retrieval-based and generative AI-based approaches to question-answering (QA) systems. In a RAG chatbot, the user’s query...

Generative AI based medical assistant on AWS

Yet another LLM-based chatbot Generative AI and large language models (LLMs) are becoming increasingly popular, and small and big tech companies are releasing new solutions like ChatGPT, Bard, and Llama...

Tag anthropic

How to Build a Generative AI Chatbot with RAG Source on AWS

Overview Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) is a technique that combines the strengths of traditional retrieval-based and generative AI-based approaches to question-answering (QA) systems. In a RAG chatbot, the user’s query...

Generative AI based medical assistant on AWS

Yet another LLM-based chatbot Generative AI and large language models (LLMs) are becoming increasingly popular, and small and big tech companies are releasing new solutions like ChatGPT, Bard, and Llama...

Tag claude

How to Build a Generative AI Chatbot with RAG Source on AWS

Overview Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) is a technique that combines the strengths of traditional retrieval-based and generative AI-based approaches to question-answering (QA) systems. In a RAG chatbot, the user’s query...

Generative AI based medical assistant on AWS

Yet another LLM-based chatbot Generative AI and large language models (LLMs) are becoming increasingly popular, and small and big tech companies are releasing new solutions like ChatGPT, Bard, and Llama...

Tag s3

How to Build a Generative AI Chatbot with RAG Source on AWS

Overview Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) is a technique that combines the strengths of traditional retrieval-based and generative AI-based approaches to question-answering (QA) systems. In a RAG chatbot, the user’s query...

Generative AI based medical assistant on AWS

Yet another LLM-based chatbot Generative AI and large language models (LLMs) are becoming increasingly popular, and small and big tech companies are releasing new solutions like ChatGPT, Bard, and Llama...

Tag cloudfront

How to Build a Generative AI Chatbot with RAG Source on AWS

Overview Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) is a technique that combines the strengths of traditional retrieval-based and generative AI-based approaches to question-answering (QA) systems. In a RAG chatbot, the user’s query...

Generative AI based medical assistant on AWS

Yet another LLM-based chatbot Generative AI and large language models (LLMs) are becoming increasingly popular, and small and big tech companies are releasing new solutions like ChatGPT, Bard, and Llama...

Tag cognito

How to Build a Generative AI Chatbot with RAG Source on AWS

Overview Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) is a technique that combines the strengths of traditional retrieval-based and generative AI-based approaches to question-answering (QA) systems. In a RAG chatbot, the user’s query...

Generative AI based medical assistant on AWS

Yet another LLM-based chatbot Generative AI and large language models (LLMs) are becoming increasingly popular, and small and big tech companies are releasing new solutions like ChatGPT, Bard, and Llama...

Tag codepipeline

How to Build a Generative AI Chatbot with RAG Source on AWS

Overview Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) is a technique that combines the strengths of traditional retrieval-based and generative AI-based approaches to question-answering (QA) systems. In a RAG chatbot, the user’s query...

Generative AI based medical assistant on AWS

Yet another LLM-based chatbot Generative AI and large language models (LLMs) are becoming increasingly popular, and small and big tech companies are releasing new solutions like ChatGPT, Bard, and Llama...

Tag codebuild

How to Build a Generative AI Chatbot with RAG Source on AWS

Overview Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) is a technique that combines the strengths of traditional retrieval-based and generative AI-based approaches to question-answering (QA) systems. In a RAG chatbot, the user’s query...

Generative AI based medical assistant on AWS

Yet another LLM-based chatbot Generative AI and large language models (LLMs) are becoming increasingly popular, and small and big tech companies are releasing new solutions like ChatGPT, Bard, and Llama...

Tag codecommit

How to Build a Generative AI Chatbot with RAG Source on AWS

Overview Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) is a technique that combines the strengths of traditional retrieval-based and generative AI-based approaches to question-answering (QA) systems. In a RAG chatbot, the user’s query...

Generative AI based medical assistant on AWS

Yet another LLM-based chatbot Generative AI and large language models (LLMs) are becoming increasingly popular, and small and big tech companies are releasing new solutions like ChatGPT, Bard, and Llama...

Tag cloudwatch

How to Build a Generative AI Chatbot with RAG Source on AWS

Overview Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) is a technique that combines the strengths of traditional retrieval-based and generative AI-based approaches to question-answering (QA) systems. In a RAG chatbot, the user’s query...

Generative AI based medical assistant on AWS

Yet another LLM-based chatbot Generative AI and large language models (LLMs) are becoming increasingly popular, and small and big tech companies are releasing new solutions like ChatGPT, Bard, and Llama...

Tag healthcare

Generative AI based medical assistant on AWS

Yet another LLM-based chatbot Generative AI and large language models (LLMs) are becoming increasingly popular, and small and big tech companies are releasing new solutions like ChatGPT, Bard, and Llama...

Tag healthtech

Generative AI based medical assistant on AWS

Yet another LLM-based chatbot Generative AI and large language models (LLMs) are becoming increasingly popular, and small and big tech companies are releasing new solutions like ChatGPT, Bard, and Llama...

Tag opensearch

How to Build a Generative AI Chatbot with RAG Source on AWS

Overview Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) is a technique that combines the strengths of traditional retrieval-based and generative AI-based approaches to question-answering (QA) systems. In a RAG chatbot, the user’s query...

Tag kendra

How to Build a Generative AI Chatbot with RAG Source on AWS

Overview Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) is a technique that combines the strengths of traditional retrieval-based and generative AI-based approaches to question-answering (QA) systems. In a RAG chatbot, the user’s query...

Tag aurora

How to Build a Generative AI Chatbot with RAG Source on AWS

Overview Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) is a technique that combines the strengths of traditional retrieval-based and generative AI-based approaches to question-answering (QA) systems. In a RAG chatbot, the user’s query...

Tag postgresql

How to Build a Generative AI Chatbot with RAG Source on AWS

Overview Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) is a technique that combines the strengths of traditional retrieval-based and generative AI-based approaches to question-answering (QA) systems. In a RAG chatbot, the user’s query...

Tag Humane

Smile’s Innovation Watch #42

Welcome to the 42nd edition of our Tech Watch, and as we unravel the mysteries of the innovation universe, we can’t help but chuckle at the cosmic coincidence of this...

Tag Ray-Ban

Smile’s Innovation Watch #42

Welcome to the 42nd edition of our Tech Watch, and as we unravel the mysteries of the innovation universe, we can’t help but chuckle at the cosmic coincidence of this...

Tag Clearbit

Smile’s Innovation Watch #42

Welcome to the 42nd edition of our Tech Watch, and as we unravel the mysteries of the innovation universe, we can’t help but chuckle at the cosmic coincidence of this...

Tag LibrePCB

Smile’s Innovation Watch #42

Welcome to the 42nd edition of our Tech Watch, and as we unravel the mysteries of the innovation universe, we can’t help but chuckle at the cosmic coincidence of this...

Tag Posture Pal

Smile’s Innovation Watch #42

Welcome to the 42nd edition of our Tech Watch, and as we unravel the mysteries of the innovation universe, we can’t help but chuckle at the cosmic coincidence of this...

Tag GitHub Copilot

Smile’s Innovation Watch #42

Welcome to the 42nd edition of our Tech Watch, and as we unravel the mysteries of the innovation universe, we can’t help but chuckle at the cosmic coincidence of this...

Tag Alexa

Smile’s Innovation Watch #42

Welcome to the 42nd edition of our Tech Watch, and as we unravel the mysteries of the innovation universe, we can’t help but chuckle at the cosmic coincidence of this...

Tag Smart Glasses

Smile’s Innovation Watch #42

Welcome to the 42nd edition of our Tech Watch, and as we unravel the mysteries of the innovation universe, we can’t help but chuckle at the cosmic coincidence of this...

Tag Wearables

Smile’s Innovation Watch #42

Welcome to the 42nd edition of our Tech Watch, and as we unravel the mysteries of the innovation universe, we can’t help but chuckle at the cosmic coincidence of this...

Tag Electronic Design

Smile’s Innovation Watch #42

Welcome to the 42nd edition of our Tech Watch, and as we unravel the mysteries of the innovation universe, we can’t help but chuckle at the cosmic coincidence of this...

Tag Software Development

Smile’s Innovation Watch #42

Welcome to the 42nd edition of our Tech Watch, and as we unravel the mysteries of the innovation universe, we can’t help but chuckle at the cosmic coincidence of this...

Tag multilingual

From multilingual speech to subtitles

From multilingual speech to subtitles How to build a multilingual video automatic subtitles system Recently we have participated in a public tender related to the need of an innovative automatic...

Tag speech2text

From multilingual speech to subtitles

From multilingual speech to subtitles How to build a multilingual video automatic subtitles system Recently we have participated in a public tender related to the need of an innovative automatic...

Tag voice

From multilingual speech to subtitles

From multilingual speech to subtitles How to build a multilingual video automatic subtitles system Recently we have participated in a public tender related to the need of an innovative automatic...


Smile’s Innovation Watch #43

Welcome to our 43rd Tech Watch! This edition brings you right into the heart of some thrilling tech advancements and pivotal shifts in the digital world. Imagine the power of...

Tag Health

Smile’s Innovation Watch #43

Welcome to our 43rd Tech Watch! This edition brings you right into the heart of some thrilling tech advancements and pivotal shifts in the digital world. Imagine the power of...

Tag X

Smile’s Innovation Watch #44

In this 44th edition of the Smile Innovation Watch, we’re taking a lighter and more cheerful approach, showcasing the quirky and creative side of technology. From the Sol Reader bringing...

Smile’s Innovation Watch #43

Welcome to our 43rd Tech Watch! This edition brings you right into the heart of some thrilling tech advancements and pivotal shifts in the digital world. Imagine the power of...

Tag Instagram

Smile’s Innovation Watch #44

In this 44th edition of the Smile Innovation Watch, we’re taking a lighter and more cheerful approach, showcasing the quirky and creative side of technology. From the Sol Reader bringing...

Smile’s Innovation Watch #43

Welcome to our 43rd Tech Watch! This edition brings you right into the heart of some thrilling tech advancements and pivotal shifts in the digital world. Imagine the power of...

Tag 23andMe

Smile’s Innovation Watch #43

Welcome to our 43rd Tech Watch! This edition brings you right into the heart of some thrilling tech advancements and pivotal shifts in the digital world. Imagine the power of...

Tag Terraform

Smile’s Innovation Watch #43

Welcome to our 43rd Tech Watch! This edition brings you right into the heart of some thrilling tech advancements and pivotal shifts in the digital world. Imagine the power of...

Tag OpenTofu

Smile’s Innovation Watch #43

Welcome to our 43rd Tech Watch! This edition brings you right into the heart of some thrilling tech advancements and pivotal shifts in the digital world. Imagine the power of...

Tag Mistral

Smile’s Innovation Watch #43

Welcome to our 43rd Tech Watch! This edition brings you right into the heart of some thrilling tech advancements and pivotal shifts in the digital world. Imagine the power of...

Tag OpenSource

Smile’s Innovation Watch #43

Welcome to our 43rd Tech Watch! This edition brings you right into the heart of some thrilling tech advancements and pivotal shifts in the digital world. Imagine the power of...

Tag Licensing

Smile’s Innovation Watch #43

Welcome to our 43rd Tech Watch! This edition brings you right into the heart of some thrilling tech advancements and pivotal shifts in the digital world. Imagine the power of...

Tag Youtube

Smile’s Innovation Watch #44

In this 44th edition of the Smile Innovation Watch, we’re taking a lighter and more cheerful approach, showcasing the quirky and creative side of technology. From the Sol Reader bringing...

Tag Sol Reader

Smile’s Innovation Watch #44

In this 44th edition of the Smile Innovation Watch, we’re taking a lighter and more cheerful approach, showcasing the quirky and creative side of technology. From the Sol Reader bringing...

Tag VR

Smile’s Innovation Watch #44

In this 44th edition of the Smile Innovation Watch, we’re taking a lighter and more cheerful approach, showcasing the quirky and creative side of technology. From the Sol Reader bringing...

Tag Flappy Dird

Smile’s Innovation Watch #44

In this 44th edition of the Smile Innovation Watch, we’re taking a lighter and more cheerful approach, showcasing the quirky and creative side of technology. From the Sol Reader bringing...

Tag Cruise

Smile’s Innovation Watch #44

In this 44th edition of the Smile Innovation Watch, we’re taking a lighter and more cheerful approach, showcasing the quirky and creative side of technology. From the Sol Reader bringing...

Tag Elon Musk

Smile’s Innovation Watch #44

In this 44th edition of the Smile Innovation Watch, we’re taking a lighter and more cheerful approach, showcasing the quirky and creative side of technology. From the Sol Reader bringing...

Tag AI-generated

Smile’s Innovation Watch #44

In this 44th edition of the Smile Innovation Watch, we’re taking a lighter and more cheerful approach, showcasing the quirky and creative side of technology. From the Sol Reader bringing...

Tag nuclear reactors

Smile’s Innovation Watch #44

In this 44th edition of the Smile Innovation Watch, we’re taking a lighter and more cheerful approach, showcasing the quirky and creative side of technology. From the Sol Reader bringing...